
Mimi Learns AfterImage and Her New Strength

(A / N: Just a notice, I'm sick so it might take a while to get more chapters out and there will probably be fewer words as the computer/cellphone light is giving me a headache.

I don't really know what I wrote in this chapter, since my head is a little fuzzy rigth now, I probably may have written some nonsense, tehe~.

Also, let me know if you like or not my way of narrating and explaining what she did in the days and years in chapters that has a time skip. I don't like to just play a time skip without explanation, but I also don't want to take too long in this training arc.)


Within a dense forest on a large island, big and dangerous animals reigned in the center of the forest, where flora and fauna were most abundant.

In this same forest, a beautiful girl with long brown hair tied in a ponytail and wearing an orange martial arts uniform was gathering berries from a bush while humming.

The girl seemed to be completely calm in the middle of the dangerous forest, as if that place was just her garden at home.

Unfortunately, the deep forest is not for the weak.

A few meters, behind the girl, hidden under the tall bushes, were two blood red eyes that watched her carefully.

The eyes scanned the girl carefully, and since she hadn't detected him, the eyes sharpened, marking her as prey.

In the next instant, from the tall bushes, a three meter long black saber-toothed Tiger leaps towards the girl with its mouth open, aiming for the girl's neck.

The Tiger attacked at extraordinary speed, and in just a second, it was only inches from its prey's neck.

Seeing his prey not move, probably still not understanding what was happening, the Tiger smiled; The girl didn't have much meat, but he would hardly find such easy prey in the forest, he wouldn't squander such a chance for free food.

The Tiger closed its jaw on the girl's throat and its huge fangs sank into her, but instead of feeling the girl's flesh and blood, he didn't feel anything in his mouth, it was as if he had bitten the wind, and the girl, who was once there, had disappeared like a ghost.

Confused by the situation, the tiger remained static for a few seconds, processing what had just happened.

''Stupid tiger, that was just my afterimage!''

The tiger hears a sweet, mocking voice right next to him, and he turns ferociously to kill his prey who had tricked him, but it was too late.

''Jan Ken - Gu!''

The tiger takes a strong blow on his face, so strong that sent him flying, breaking several trees on the way.

He stops after hitting a large tree with a crash and falls to the ground, dead.

Seeing that her strategy worked again, Mimi smiles.

''With that, lunch is guaranteed!''

She grabs him by the tail, pulls him over her shoulder and starts walking towards her camp.

It had been a week since Mimi was left in the deep forest by Roshi; on the first day, she spent all day trying to catch the monkey, but without success. She waited for Roshi to pick her up, but he never come.

Instead of being scared, or thinking that he had abandoned her, she had understood that this was part of her training, and that Roshi was somewhere, watching her.

As if going back to the first day of her training, Mimi had to sleep on a branch in a large tree.

On the second day, she had to hunt for something to eat, but there were no easy prey, and it was on that day that she discovered her abnormal strength.

That day, she tried to hunt a simple deer, but ended up having to fight a bear that ambushed her; in her past life, a person could never defeat a bear bare-handed, and that was Mimi's mindset at the time.

In front of the bear, Mimi had been paralyzed with fear, it was the first time she had faced such a terrifying beast, her legs couldn't move, and her mind went blank.

The bear raised his claws in front of Mimi, ready to rip her apart, and Mimi closed her eyes; the next moment, without much thought, probably a last desperate action to survive, she punched the bear's belly with all her might.

Mimi, eyes still closed, heard a bang followed by a roar of pain, and then a crash.

She slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes widened in amazement with what she saw.

The bear was lying on the ground, dead, and there was a large hollow in its belly where Mimi had punched it, there was a lot of guts and blood underneath the bear.

''What the fuck... Did I do this?'' Mimi said in disbelief.

After that, she completely ignored the practice she should have with the monkeys in the rest of that day, and went to make several tests with her strength, such as punching trees and stones.

The result left her extremely dumbfounded.

She could easily destroy rocks as big as her with her fists and pierce through the trunk of an ordinary tree with just one punch without much effort.

After her tests, she didn't know how to feel, she just knew that she was no longer human, at least not an ordinary human.

She still wanted to test her stamina and speed, but she had training to do first. Even with inhuman strength, she needed speed to catch the monkey.

On the third day, she again tried to catch the monkey, but without success, but she managed to get a slight idea of ​​how he managed to escape her.

On the fourth day, she focused more on observing the monkey, and she finally understood what the monkey was doing.

She noticed that, just as she was about to capture him, the monkey moved so fast, it left something like an afterimage, making her believe he was still in the same place, when in fact he wasn't there anymore.

Over the next two days, Mimi tried to copy the monkey's movement as the two played the game of tag, and quickly managed to understand the basics of the technique.

The concept of the technique that the monkey was using closely resembled a trait that small lizards, cockroaches, and other insects and animals have, which is the ability to instantly reach their maximum speed whenever they want.

She understood that for the technique to work, the person must move instantly with a speed faster than the eyes can see, and this causes an afterimage to be created, as the opponent's eyes have not yet caught the movement.

But unlike the animals and insects that have that trait because of ther anatomy, humans can't move that fast instantly, so how did the monkey could to do that?

The answer lies in strength and muscle tension!

With enough strength in her legs and feet, it is theoretically possible for her to be able to move at extreme speeds instantly, she just needs to tense her leg and foot muscles as hard as possible, and then release it all at once with a single movement.

If it were in Mimi's home world, such idea would be impossible, as people not only lack the required body control, such strained force would tear all the leg muscles, and could even break bones because of the pressure exerted by the tension, but in this new world, where she has enough strength to kill a bear with one punch, it's quite possible, and the best proof that it is possible is the monkey who used the technique non-stop as if it was a joke.

To Mimi's surprise, when she tested her theory of technique after her observations, she was able to easily do the required steps like tensing her leg muscles with all her strength and releasing it all at once with a single movement.

The result was that she disappeared from where she was and appeared three meters away from her start point with her face stuck in the trunk of a tree; Mimi didn't think she would get results on the first try, so she didn't bother to control her strength.

She was again surprised at how inhuman she had become.

Roshi really took her mantra of 'passing human limits' seriously in his martial training; doing Roshi's training, every day Mimi's body crossed human limits and got stronger, resistant and faster.

Roshi's martial training also gave Mimi much greater control over her body, which meant that she could easily manipulate most of the muscles in her body.

None of that was clear to Mimi until those last days, and the reason of that was her mindset, which still had common sense from her past world; for her, muscle control, superhuman strength, extreme speed, it was all fantasy stuff, so she never really tried to do anything beyond the human limits she knew, because for her it was impossible.

But the result of her training was still there, and when she tried it, it was so easy it scared her.

By the seventh day, she had managed to train the technique to the point where she could use it, but not very proficiently.


On the present moment, Mimi was inside her small camp in front of the cave where she was living, roasting chunks of tiger meat over a makeshift campfire.

''Tomorrow...Tomorrow is the day I will catch that bastard monkey!'' Mimi said resolutely with a dangerous glint in her eyes as she chewed on a piece of tiger meat.

This book is just for my enjoyment, so don't expect a very elaborate plot, perfect grammar and things like that. But if you still liked it, please add it to your library, and if you have any suggestions for the fanfic, feel free to write in the comments section!

Holo_Lovercreators' thoughts