
The truth

A/N: just to let everyone know Loki will be stronger.

-Narrator pov-

"Well it's simple really you're real name is Loki Laufeyson." Harry said nonchalantly

Loki froze his smile completely vanished, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and anger rolled off of him in waves.

Harry made the area they were standing in blocked off so no one could hear them.

"You lie," Loki spat out dangerously his voice filled with so much venom

"Think about it Loki, you are wiser than Thor. You would be ten times the king but, why aren't you the heir to the throne? It's because you cant be. Asgard would never let a frost giant sit on the throne." Harry refuted

"YOU LIE MORTAL!" Loki snarled you could see the veins on his head protruding

"I do not lie! Your name is Loki Laufeyson! A spell has been placed upon you, you Loki can only see your true looks when touching a Frost Giant artifact or a Forst Giant." Harry replied with a hint of venom in his tone

Loki looked at Harry intently, he searching for even the smallest indicator of a lie, but he couldn't Loki trusted everything he said. Most of the backing behind that was because of Loki's own feelings and the advanced theifs aura that Harry had.

Harry thought he broke Loki when the God of Mischief started to laugh.

"HehehehehehehahahhahahahahahHAHAHAHHHHEHEHHE!" madness shone in his eyes

"HAHAHAH THEY DARE TO USE ME! HEHEEHAHHA!" Loki shouted between his manic laughter

Loki felt anger like never before, usually, he would start to madly cast spells around him to vent his anger but he couldn't here. He was truly hopeless. The anger that now consumed him was not something that just appeared at this new revelation no it was something that has been building for so long and this broke the gates that barely held on.

His laughter stopped but the fury in his eyes did not die down. It seemed as if Loki was compressing all of his anger into one point in his eyes. They shined with anger and unbridled fury, one look at them will paralyze the average man in fear and hopelessness.

His mind never stopped working, Loki might be angry, he might be sad but he above all else is cunning and ruthless.

"Thank you for telling me this information," Loki said his tone cold and hollow

"I am sorry about the distress I have caused you," Harry said 'sadly'

"It's fine mortal it is not your fault, how did you know anyways?" Loki asked

Harry turned to Loki and gave him an insufferable grin, "trade secret~"

"Mortal I will be going now I must plan but this is a communication device we Asgardians use to communicate with each other when we are in different realms," Loki said tossing me a circular object

"I appreciate it Loki, allow me to send you back," Harry replied with a smile

Loki appeared back in his chamber with anger still burning in his eyes. The betrayal he felt cut him deep to his core.

Loki sat on his bed and made an illusion of the royal castle, he could tap on certain areas to expand it.

His revenge plan started now.

-Harry pov -

I sent Loki home and started to walk around once more. Yao was talking to oh God she is talking to Sirius.

Fury is still eyeballing me like I stole his wallet.

The Tonks family is talking to Amelia and the Lovegood family is actually heading my way.

"It's good to see you Luna, Mr, Lovegood," I said politely

"It's good to see you to Harry," Luna replied with a dreamy smile

"It's good to see you lad! How have you been?" Xenophilius asked

"I'm doing well thank you for asking, how are you two?" I replied

"Good as one can be! Oo is that Ravenclaws Diadem!" Xenophilius said excitedly running off to look at it

"How have you been Luna?" I asked gently

"Good, the nargles have been mean at school but that's about it," Luna said with a smile but her eyes showed sadness

I frowned Luna shouldn't be treated as such.

"Luna next time a nargle tries to do something mean to you hex it till it obeys okay?" I said with an innocent smile

"That might work," she said seriously

"I know it will." I smiled back at her

"Thank you," she said and hugged me

"Of course," I replied embracing her

-Harry Sparrow pov -

I watched as my main body comforted the little Lovegood girl across the showing.

I saw Amelia near them and a smile crept upon my face.

Dear Amelia, I have been waiting~

I swaggered over to her and the people she was talking to.

"My dear Amelia, why haven't you introduced me to your friends?" I said with a saucy smirk

"Tonks, Andromeda, Ted this is Jac-"

"*cough* Captain!"

"Captain Jack Sparrow," Amelia begrudgingly said

"Aye, ~ Tonks, Andromeda, and Ted a pleasure to meet your acquaintance! Now Shall I get the rum!" I said winking at the group

"I should be putting you in cuffs," Amelia sneered

"I'd rather enjoy that Luv ~" I replied sending her a saucy wink

"You are insufferable," Amelia groaned

"Haha," I laughed it off, and Tonks, Andromeda, Ted, and amelia began to talk more


I was invited to this event and I do have to say this collection is rather amazing, I especially like Slytherins pocket watch. And I could tell Elizebeth liked the diadem, but she didn't dare to ask for it like she usually did.

Smiling at her I bent my head down and gently kissed her lips, the sweet but tangy taste of cheery graced my lips.


We kissed under the painting planète des amoureux.

All of a sudden I heard a camera shutter and a flash of light.

"Aye~ this is a good picture!"

"Destroy it," I sneered at him

"Best me in a drinking game and it's yours to do as you wish descendant savvy?"

-Cornelius pov -

I strutted around the stolen pieces of history Harry has collected.

It pains me to see the founder's items just sitting in his collection when they should be in a museum.

There is probably nothing I wouldn't do to get my hands on Hufflepuff's cup, it would be so badass to drink out of... I mean it needs to be in a museum!

"Hey, fatass!" Something yelled at me from the side

I turned my head and saw the sorting hat.

"Shut up you old hat!" I snapped back

"Oi! You're not the one locked up here!" the hat bit back

"Merlin's balls I don't remember you being so annoying," I said rolling my eyes

"The old hat always was Cornelius," Someone said and I turned to see Harry

"Tch anyway's Harry you know we will need to find a new sorting method now that you stole the hat," I said in a sharp tone

"Actually I was thinking about that, and I have come up with a solution. Whoever the next headmaster or headmistress of Hogwarts is I will lend the hat to for the sorting." Harry replied indifferently

"Aye! Why don't you just let me go free!" the hat yelled at us


-Harry pov -

Soon the night was about to come to an end when Nick Fury started to approach me.

"Harry Potter you are under arrest!" he yelled pulling out a gun

"Whoever said I needed magic motherfucker!" He said proudly

"Pull the trigger," I said with a smile


"I said pull the trigger," I said again calmly walking toward him

"Tch," he grunted putting the gun away

I could tell he knew he stood no chance.

Walking closer I patted his shoulder and said, "Have fun working in the snake den,"

Then I sent him back.

"Everyone I think it's time for this day to come to a close I thank everyone for your attendance," I said with a huge grin

Snapping my fingers I sent everyone home.

-Ancient one pov -

I returned back to Kamar-Taj, for some reason my first instinct was to look at the time stream with the time stone.

Picking it up I started to see the most probable future. Once I was done a frown formed on my face, somehow during the event, the future has changed in ways I would have never predicted.

-Loki pov -

As I walked down the corridor I saw Thor walking toward me, my anger started to build but I controlled it.

"Loki! Where have you been brother!" he said with his annoying smile

"Brother is it not a great day out? I was just taking a stroll," I replied with a fake smile

"Indeed brother," he replied

"Say, brother, I wonder why you stay here so often? Shouldn't you be out showing the realms that the future king of Asgard cares about the people?" I asked feigning confusion

He started to think which is bad because when he usually does bad things start to happen.

"Ha! You are right brother I shall bring the warrior four with me and roam the realms! I shall ask father right now," he said slapping my back in a friendly way

"Brother you might not want to mention I gave you the idea, that way you look like a better heir," I said smiling at him

"Hm are you sure Loki," he asked uncertainly

"Brother I am more sure than ever," I replied grabbing his two shoulders and looking deeply into his eyes

"Good man," Thor said and hugged me


-Harry Pov-

I got back from the event and started to once again look over the ritual for curing my rooster problem, I also looked over my ingredients. The reason I am so nervous and checking so many times is that since I am using my weakness one tiny mistake could spell my defeat.

I began to pour over the details, again and again, eventually, I was happy and decided tomorrow will be the day.

I went out back and turned into my basilisk form, I decided to sleep out here like this tonight.

The moonlight shone off my scales making a beautiful scene that much I am sure of.


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