
Chapter 10: Emily's first kiss

Chapter 10: Emily's first kiss

Owen's lips pressed against mine. At first it was soft like he was unsure of what to do.

At least he was doing something while I stood like a statue waiting to be pleasured like an effing idiot.

I thought he was going to break it off but his arms went around me, as sure and hard like it held promises to carry me if my legs gave out.

I felt the rush and the warmth. The surging sensation I had never felt before. I was naive as I had never been kissed before but I knew and dreamt it was exactly as Owen was kissing me.

The sensations almost left me limp like a freaking coward.

Owen's face gradually blurred and drowned to nothingness.

Again I thought he was done with me but he bent back my head across his arm and kissed me again.

This time softly and then with a swift change like he was taking off a training wheel the kiss intensified and I clung to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world.

And before I could understand what was going on, I was kissing him back.


Then he pulled away, he looked around like he was searching for something.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to find my voice.

"Come on, we have to go. Alpha is looking for us!" He pulled my hand and we started running back to the field.

When we came out, everyone was furious. Everyone was Alpha Noah and my Uncle but since Alpha's mood determined what everyone else was feeling, I was still correct.

"Where have you been, Owen?!" Alpha Noah's voice was as high as a screeching weasel.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes in time to see my uncle's palm headed for my ear.

Like a coward, I ran to stand behind Owen. Uncle Phil backed off when he saw Owen glare at him.

"Answer me, boy!"

"It's my fault. I got lost and Owen had to find me" I blurted out before I could stop myself. I didn't want Owen getting into trouble with the angry Alpha.

Owen turned around and whispered to me through his clenched Jaw.

"Didn't we just have this conversation about thinking before talking?"

"You know I have a bad memory" I watched with great horror as Alpha Noah came closer to us.

I knew Owen was afraid just like me. I could see it in his tensed posture and the way he watched his father like a hawk.

"Class is dismissed!" Alpha Noah yelled at all the kids my age that watched with either amusement or horror.

I could see Chastity making faces at me. It was like me to fail a simple physical education but to get Owen to fail too was sacrilegious.

Alpha Noah turned around and walked to his car and drove off leaving his son and mate behind. I saw the relief on Luna's face as she came closer to her son.

"Come on, Beta Mateo will give us a ride back home" Luna Elise told her son and walked away.

I watched Owen and he watched me too. We Just shared our first kiss but we couldn't talk about it. At least not now.

(I am sorry I got you in trouble) I told him through the mind link.

(Next time think before talking, blockhead. My father is looking for an excuse to banish you and your family, how about you don't provide him with one, jackass)

I knew Owen was angry at me and we always called each other names but I thought that after the intimate kiss we just shared that he would be different. He wasn't. I liked that...I think.

"Owen! Come on. We have to get home!" Luna called out from the car she was sitting in.

"I don't want to leave you here alone with him" Owen told me as he looked at my uncle Phil with great annoyance.

"I will be fine. Uncle Phil can hurt my body but he can't break my spirit" I tried to sound nonchalant.

I knew that a belt and maybe a cane was waiting for me at home. I could see it in my uncle's eyes. He was going to hurt me. The last time it happened, he broke my rib and I spent three days in the hospital.

"I don't fucking like it" Owen told me again.

"Me too" I finally admitted to him.

Owen turned and walked out abruptly like we were not just discussing my impending death at the hands of my annoying uncle.

(Stay fluid, Emily girl)

Owen said and entered the car. I have never understood what that meant. How can one stay fluid? But I have since learnt to ignore most of the things my best friend says anyway.

"It doesn't make any s-e-n-s-e, dummy" I yelled at him as they drove off.

I swear I saw a smile on his face.

I turned around faster enough to feel the pain of my uncle's hand on my face. Oh well! It didn't take him long!

"Enter the car you mighty whore!" Uncle Phil spat out like it was meant to shatter me.

I didn't. I have since developed a thick skin and deafness when it comes to my uncle.

"At least, I am good at something" I mouthed off at him.

He wanted to hit me again but stares from other werewolves picking up their cubs stopped him. I knew it wasn't the end of it.

"Enter the car, Emily"

"I would rather drink cyanide, Philip" I stomped off towards the tree where I dropped my bag and picked it up.

I preferred trekking the three miles to my house than staying a moment in an enclosed space with my mother's brother. I would rather drink an entire ocean water and be content than stay with him.

"Emily, come back here!" He ordered me but like I said, I was deaf when it came to him.

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