
When Merit Is Exhausted, The World Will Be in Chaos

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gui asked for a Snow God Pill once again.

She seemed to lack nothing except for those pills.

Perhaps the pill enhanced her innate talent and gave her joy.

Jiang Hao sighed. He also wanted one. Maybe then he could get some new divine ability.

He had not found any purple bubbles lately. He did not obtain any new divine ability.

It was extremely difficult to obtain purple bubbles.

The Immortal Peach Tree was a last resort.

If there was no hope of becoming an immortal, he would try his best to complete the last incarnation of the Immortal Peach Tree.

If he was lucky enough to survive the calamity, that might give him a purple bubble that he could use. Perhaps something that could change his fate.

However, there was still hope, and he would not waste his resources for a last incarnation at the moment.

There was no more news about the Four Great Monsters yet. They entered the trading phase of the gathering.
