
Chapter 35

Kobrah stalked to the bridge in a foul mood. So utterly foul.

Not even an hour in her presence and already embroiled in her shit.

In his defense, he'd been prepared to let her walk away. Her and that kid - not mine. She can't be mine.

But he'd not turned away fast enough. The lens implant in his left eye saw past the shadows to the lurking menace. Dara didn't know she walked right into an enemy. Raised a gentleman, he couldn't stand by and do nothing.

He provided light to Dara and Karolyne, despite it putting his own lens at a disadvantage. Then dangled himself as a tempting target for them to get away.

Except...Dara didn't escape. Didn't have to because she bloody well knew how to fight. With knives and using her body in ways he would have sworn she didn't know.
