
Rising II

Orthus left the White Wing Town, after handing Yulia the information and spending a lot of money to buy potions.

Yulia saw him off and as she entered the manor, two figures were waiting for her inside, their backs leaning on the wall, "Only 30,000 Zens? Hmm, it seems like that guy hated Isaac more than us." commented Tari looking at the three posters.

"Well, Isaac did start the fight. We were lucky considering only he had to sacrifice an arm and we didn't have to lose so much." Davil said from the other side as he looked at his own poster, "In fact, against that monster it was already a miracle we came out of that alive."

Yulia could only sigh at the discussion of the Draconid and Archdemon. She had them follow her to her study and the way, she asked them, "So, what did you three did to anger someone who had been hiding for decades to suddenly issue a public wanted poster?"

"Hmmm, where to begin… maybe because of the fact that Isaac punched his sole daughter?"

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