
Game On

Becoming a mortal again wasn't as easy as he'd expected, but 'Pain Nullification' really helped a lot.

Adam went back to Terran's realm and kept on alternating between sparring and going into 'Eden' to test out new skills. He was happy the man was willing to let him experiment a variety of things.

Like how 'Takedowns' in the Stealth Genre of his system worked, or Skills in his RPG Genre.

There were a lot of Skill falling into his lap.

Light Strike, an attack that focused on speed and precision rather than the rate of damage dealt.

Style Shift, able to use martial arts like they were items. Able to equip them and change his traits.

Normal Hit, a Skill that was neither as strong as Heavy Strike nor precise like Light Strike. The only benefit it had was being able to be used consecutively without tiring out his physique.

Magic Strike, an attack that was reinforced with Pure Mana. It did magical damage upon impact.

Combo Counter, able to increase his limit of Mama Storage every ten uninterrupted consecutive hits.

Reequip, able to switch between different items and armours already stored within his Inventory.

Sprint, the most basic movement technique as a gamer that used up his stamina for more speed.

3D Manoeuvrability went hand in hand with it in terms of speed, but used up Pure Mana instead.

Multi Strike, a staple of RPG Games. Being able to do multiple attacks within the span of a second.

There were many abilities that couldn't be recorded by his Job named 'Strike Administrator'.

Thus, they were unreliable in a fight against Void.

Since it was inflexible to rely on any particular game genre, he wasn't planning to use them in his fight against her. He'd rather use his Real Life genre like he'd promised to himself not to neglect.

Normally, Adam wouldn't have a chance of getting one but on the Sword Goddess… but there was a new Skill among the ones that could be recorded by his Job. It really altered the way he'd fight.

That amazingly versatile Skill's name was 'Hit Box'.

Adam stood in the centre of the room Terran had provided for him and established his Battle Zone.

The 'Median and Movement Zone'…

The F Rank Qi Centre, which was usually only strong enough to reinforce one arm, seeped into the Zone… 'rendering' it. However, this much was useless. The only thing it did was heighten his strike impact. Which in itself wasn't a big deal.

Even though he could combine it with Combo Counter to continuously improve his striking power every 10 hits, that was only useful if he could actually manage to hit the enemy in the first place.

Such tactics were useless against Red Rabbit.

If he wanted her to eat her words, Adam needed to go beyond just using his Hit Box to bolster attacks.

The gamer started to throw some jabs.

[Style Shift- Street Boxing]

His zone changed shape in accordance to the defensive and attack limitations of the style.

With the legs becoming his greatest weakness.

[Style Shift- Strong Tiger Kung Fu]

His hands opened up and did more precise cutting damage to his room's wall. His nails were intact.

Adam figured out that if his imagination could change the potency of strikes, it could definitely alter the strike's impact area. He just needed to understand this Skill to use it at a greater level.

He stopped using 'styles' and stood in front of the think wall that'd been damaged greatly over time.

His hand outstretched towards the wall.

Even though the full length of his hand couldn't touch the wall from the distance he stood, the gamer used his 'Deep Eyes Digest All Things' to improve his focus. Then the Extra Skill of the Breath Circulation technique he could now use.

Born from his 'Management Experience' Intrinsic Skill was a Skill similar to that of 'Mana Control'.

['Mana Methodology' assists your Skill evolution.]

Without lifting his fist, 'Magic Strike' and 'Multi Strike' was used in tandem to go beyond his limit.

Since Mana was already infused into his Battle Zone, 'Magic Strike' was able transfer to his target.

Even without using his feet, the zone that also calculated his kicking range suddenly rippled.

An attack hit the wall without him even moving.

This was followed by multiple other attacks that drained away at his Pure Mana all until he emptied.

Adam felt fatigue for the first time in a while…

He was getting used to having 'Limits' again, even if he now had 'Evolutionary Expansion' in his Skills.

When the Skill was done, a crater that didn't exceed his maximum reach was left behind.

"Nice skill." Terran, who had been watching from the door, found his progress lately to be amazing.

At first, his Skills were a mess.

Sure, he had immortality and pain nullification among his abilities… but it was a big mishmash.

Finding a line of consistency was hard even for him. This was the reason Adam was initially weak.

He was an Office Administrator trying to cross over into becoming a Mage. Not the best transition.

The time it'd have taken from shifting from one Job or Class to the other wouldn't have been easy.

Even if he succeeded, his potential would have been limited. That was how the System worked.

"Is this the power of your own System?" Terran spoke while bringing in a tray for them to eat.

A familiar strawberry and tea were among them.

"…" Adam had a hard time hiding away his twitching expression from the blatant way it was brought up.

Even if not in words.

"What's wrong? Sorry, I don't enjoy food. These are gifts from my wives." Although fruits and tea were an odd mix, Terran didn't seem to think having them together was that big of a deal.

The gamer dragged his tired body over and realised this dimension probably affected him.

Taking away his need to eat to get sustenance.

He hadn't even felt hunger the entire time he had trained here. Getting ready to challenge Void.

After taking a bite, Adam secretly glanced at the face of the blacksmith. They hadn't spoken much.

Especially not after the incident…

"Do you feel bad about sleeping with my wife?" It felt like the fruit had gotten caught in his throat.

Adam coughed out a grape…

"I tried. She was hard to resist."

"You don't have to feel responsible for this. I'm the one who offered her up the first time we met."


"Relax. What Pandemos does is her own business to me. With such a wife, could I ever control her?"

"…You don't sound like you hate her." Adam was quick to see that the blacksmith was truly calm.

As if nothing important happened.

"Why would I hate her? I knew wha I was getting into the moment I married the Goddesses of Love."

"Is this the 'restriction' you talked about?"

"I'm glad you're paying attention… Yes, but it's a bit different. They are… a lot similar to you." Terran stopped eating and leaned back. His eyes started to wonder while figuring out the words to speak.

"I've heard."

"But you haven't learned everything."

"Are you willing to tell me more about them?"

"Sorry, they deserve their privacy."

"Right…" There was that too.

"But I can tell you something interesting: Words and actions have greater meaning than you know."

"That doesn't sound interesting."

"Try thinking about it. Your name… Your past… and present… all of it is part of the greater narrative."

"Like part of a myth?"

"Exactly." Terran sighed while finishing his cup in one gulp. His heart somber about this topic.

He placed the cup down and continued:

"We all have stories recorded in the Imaginary Realm. No matter how small. We are all there."

Adam's understanding of that illusionary world became clearer. He found it to be really vital.

The place where Imaginary Spirits all resided.

"Then does that mean there's an Imaginary Spirit of me there?" Adam didn't know why he asked this.

"Maybe the day you die, you'll become your own spirit in that place. For now, your legend has yet to have an ending." These words seemed comforting somehow. The gamer didn't know how to respond.

When Terran was about to leave the room, he reached out and grabbed his arm… then asked:

"Is there anything I can do to compensate?"

The blacksmith took the hand off his arm and didn't show any emotions. Merely replying:

"Well, if I manage to have an avatar… then please take care of them for me." The man then left.

Adam knew this would probably be their last meeting. At least, he wouldn't be alive next time.

Terran was an interesting and mysterious man. A person who he would've liked to know more about.

But now he needed to get home…

Adam checked his things and made his way back to where he first arrived. To challenge Void again.

Meanwhile, Gaia was biting her nail while waiting.

Once again, she felt her connection to Adam being cut off… but calmed when it was reestablished later on. The Divinity that Urania gave him seemed to come in handy when it came to many situations.

She watched as her avatar returned from Terran's dimension. His appearance had changed a lot.

He no longer looked like he was a bird being thrown around by the wind, but a unmoving stone.

Her eyes widened when she saw him arrive.

'Looks like I should worry about him less.' She wasn't aware what had happened, but the look in his eyes were different than before. There was an indomitable feeling of tyrannical might in his heart.

Similar to that of Simon's…

Void, who was initially reading a book of someone's fate to the side, widened her eyes after seeing him.

He no longer seemed like the same person.

She put the book down while marking where she was, then got up to approach the man slowly.

Adam's heart started to think of many things upon seeing her after so long. His hate… had vanished.

There was even a bit of gratitude in his heart towards her. Even if her actions were detestable.

The strongest woman to ever attain Godhood.

Stronger than even the literal God of Destruction.

When his eyes shifted towards Gaia, an awkward smile appeared as he waved at her with politeness.

Her eyes diluted at that moment.

'He remembers…' The one known as the Will of Gaia panicked a little, but managed to wave back.

Their reunion was interrupted by Red Rabbit.

She'd opened her eyes of truth curiously, but managed to find out more than she bargained for.

Especially about the Mana flowing through him…

If Void had that power, wouldn't her life after having fell from grace had become much more easier?

"How did you awaken that Mana type?" She grinder her teeth while asking, disbelieving of her eyes.

How did a mere mortal gain that power?!

"It just, you know… happened." Adam couldn't really give much of an answer to such an inquiry.

He hadn't really aimed to get this power.

Believing the mortal was mocking her by saying this, the Sword Goddess became much colder.

"And you dared to remove your immortality? You know if you die by my hands, I won't take any responsibility." She spoke while making a combative look towards him. Grinding on his gears.

Adam couldn't understand what was ticking her off.

"I know…"

"Do you think you're strong now that Terran helped you? That fucking cuck bastard…!" These words made the gamer's Deep Eyes open up. He couldn't believe she said such a thing about a fellow God.

"Don't talk about him…" He spoke to her with subdued anger. Holding back his resentment.

It suddenly occurred to him that he really didn't like her. Regardless of what she'd done in the past.

"What? Do you like the guy or something?"

"I think he's alright."

"Because you fucked his wife."

"Do you want me to talk on your level?"

"Go ahead." Seeing how she agreed, Adam coughed before speaking two words to her.

Specifically, what he called the Goddess was:

"Wannabe Tsundere."

"Eh…?" She didn't understand what he meant, so he simplified his words to a singular childish curse:


"…You're acting too childish."

"Says the one who started this swear parade."

"Don't be such a baby. Anyway… You came to challenge me again like before, right? Let's see what you're made of." She threw away any kind of respect to others and drew her sword dangerously.

He looked at her familiar stance, then smiled while feeling like he really needed to show who's boss.

[The frigid star is looking at you.]

[The scorching star is looking at you.]

His eyes looked at the two messages, then gave a look to Gaia. Her omniscience read his mind.

The arena chosen was his new home in Pandorica.

Red Rabbit seemed a little disturbed by the sudden change in scenery, but found it all useless flare.

So what if the place he chose had Magic Circles and a security system? She'd just destroy it all.

"Wait." Just before they were about to start, Adam felt out his hand and stopped her from attacking.

"What? About to beg for me to spare your life?" A mocking look appeared in Void's energetic eyes.

She seemed ready to test his new limits.

"Since I don't want to meet you ever again, let's stop at Round 2. Even if I don't manage to hit you this time, I'll never come back to meet you." The way he seemed so disgusted made her jaw drop.

The Sword Goddess had never been treated like such a lowly thing by anyone. But now… a mortal…

He dared to scorn her?!

"You won't regret this decision."

"…I'm definitely beating you up. If I don't manage to do that today, there'll no tomorrow for me." Adam stated his resolution. He already formed a plan in his time having spars with Hephaestus Terran.

If that didn't work, he didn't know what would.

"Looks like you're deranged. Oh well, I'll accept that offer out of pity, but… Do you think I won't take your nonsense seriously? If you want to die, let me send you off." Void didn't go easy on him anymore.

She immediately established her great Battle Zone.

Thanks to her physical might and technical proficiency being leagues above her opponent, the zone he perceived was like the creation of a vast galaxy. An abyss that swallowed his body whole.

Reach was nothing to her…

Her swordsmanship had been refined to the point that the greater the insight one had, the greater the feeling of futility one would have from knowing there was no escape from her predestined stroke.

A blade that would take a life when swung.

'Sorry, Gaia… Mortals should learn their place.' The tip of the Divinity Striker was held high in the air.

She watched as the ant before her trembled…

Adam was staring courageously despite being filled with fear. He managed to take out his weapons.

'Reequip.' With just a thought, Mk1 GGUW was summoned into his hand… along with the knife.

The 'Blazing Knife' touched by the sin of wrath.

Void stopped her motion for a brief second after seeing an image of her brother in that appearance.

She remembered that the pistol and knife duo was a stable to what was usually Simon's fighting style.

Before he destroyed himself, of course.

But regardless of the experiences and range he achieved, all of it was useless before her might.

She gave him a chance to show something, at least. Even if his plans were insignificant to her.

'Establish the Movement Zone and Median Zone.' A cylinder Battle Zone stretched out towards her.

Only to be broken down immediately after.

It was because no matter how good his aim, her sword would always cut down bullets in the air.

Making such a tactic useless.

"It's my fault for getting my hopes up." Void sighed while readying herself to chop his body in half.

The survival instincts the old drunkard had helped him cultivate so long ago finally came into play.

Adam's brain worked up a storm inwardly.

He didn't need to play by her rules. He wasn't even a true martial artist to begin with, he was a gamer.

And so…

'Game on!' The light in his eyes shone like beacons while hyping himself up to fight against Red Rabbit.

His declaration wasn't for show.

[You have activated 'Hit Box'.]

The cylinder Battle Zone vanished just before her blade was sent my, and she quickly changed form.


Her eyes widened as a bullet defied causality and almost managed to strike her. She frowned at him.

'WHAT DID YOU DO!?!' Her eyes were ferocious.

If it wasn't for her godly eyes of truth, she wouldn't have been able to see that attack was coming.

Time and space hadn't rippled…

Knowing this meant that the bullet had formed directly in front of her and shot simultaneously.

But how was that possible?!

Void started to understand that it wasn't that his Battle Zone vanished. A new one was formed.

One that appeared as a target area that covered only her front. His vision was the crucial point.

When the Sword Goddess looked into his eyes, she saw target markers had appeared on top of them.

His pupils has vanished.

The 'Target Zone' had been laid down. A unique Battle Zone that rivalled her own Destiny Zone.

She finally acknowledged that this was a 'fight'.
