
The Demon’s Mark

Upon Emy's arrival at their office, Reed abruptly stood up and departed without explaining. Emy was pretty confused about it. While Reed was out searching for the face ripper, Maria remained at the house to monitor Emy's family. He attempted to search the village several times for the demon-possessed older man, but sadly, he was unsuccessful.

Reed was walking around his home, quickly scanning his surroundings. He finally spotted Eve as she was leaving his house. Eve was walking around with plastic and ice cream cups, a sight that caught his attention. He raised an eyebrow when he saw her taking them.

Reed said, "Okay, it's just as if you're shopping at my house."

Eve let out a little giggle. She said, "Did you find what you're looking for?"

Reed said, "I have no clue where he is. I've been to the village a few times."

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