
Imprisonment (5)

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Yi Peilan and the others would probably be present at the banquet next month. After all, at this time every year, the Shen family would invite all the good officials in Ming Qi.

"That's right." Bai Wei seemed to have just remembered. "I almost forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me, Yue, what gift did you prepare for your grandmother?"

As a talented girl in the capital, Shen Yue naturally made Old Madam Shen proud at the birthday banquet every year. If what Shen Qing prepared was something expensive, what Shen Yue prepared was unique and exquisite. Only Shen Miao would give something that made people laugh their heads off.

"It's just a portrait that I embroidered," Shen Yue said humbly.

"Now that you mention it, I'm starting to get curious." Jiang Xiaoxuan said maliciously, "Then what will your fifth sister prepare? Don't tell me she forgot about the birthday gift because she is busy embroidering her wedding dress."
