
Ten Bulls and One Tiger III

The question of whether Dustin would have to pull out his blade was quickly answered as after a few minutes had passed, the entire cattle herd could be seen lying motionless on the ground with Dustin standing over one with blood covering some parts of his body.

"Seriously, how do I keep getting blood all over my body?"



While standing behind the cattle he just amputated, Dustin put back his twin blades and brought out his great axe immediately. With the hopes that it would be a better weapon against the cattle, which it should, he charged forward and began attacking the cattle.

The problem was that even though he had plenty of speed surpassing the bulky bulls, with the heavy axe in hand he couldn't move as fast, and that seemed to be the only advantage he had in this fight against the muscled brutes.

'If I keep this up, it won't work.' Dustin thought to himself after attacking another bull, this time aiming at its neck to see if chopping it off would be possible.

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