
test ( obsticle racing )17

In Ninja Academy.

*creak* with the sound, the door opened and a cute youngster enter the room, this youngster is Giyu

"HAHA, YOUTH YOU COME LATE!", Dai shouted as he see the Giyu.

"what's the matter!, when the teacher hasn't entered the classroom", Giyu said as he went towards his seat.

All his friends greet him, and he also greets them back after that he sits on his seat.

"Hey Giyu!, when are you going to tell me a new story?", suddenly Tsunade asked as she looked at Giyu with a hint of anger.

" How about you come to my home, I will tell you a more interesting story, you know its a pain in the ass to tell a story in the park", Giyu has been telling her different stories from his world but the problem is, Tsunade always want to hear stories in the park but Giyu didn't like it so he denied many times but Tsunade always stick around him, complaining him to tell stories in the park, so giyu have no choice but to follow her.

And it has been a year since he starts telling stories to Tsunade in the park. First, everything is normal but as the month passed by every child in the park started to listen to his stories.

Even some aunts also complement his story, but what he hated the most is, that the children start to call him 'story uncle' whenever they see him but they didn't stop here as they always stick around him wherever he go.

" Sorry Giyu!, I am sorry, It's just that my grandfather always take me to the park when he was alive and told me different stories, I feel the same feeling when you told stories in the park", Tsunade said with a hint of sadness and guilty sadness that her grandfather was dead and guilty because she felt was too selfish that she didn't see other's problem at all.

Seeing the sadness in her eyes, Giyu *sighed* "ok-ok, I will tell you stories in the park, so don't be sad", giyu tried to comfort Tsunade but she didn't respond.

" if you don't smile, I will not tell you stories anymore", Giyu said to Tsunade calmly.

As soon as Tsunade heard his voice, she quickly adjusts her mood as she smile brightly and said: " See!, I stop crying and let's change location to your home, haha!".

Giyu is looking at Tsunade as he feels that he was seeing an illusion. Just a second ago she was engulfed in sadness now all gone in one go. what a powerful acting skill. she will surely will oscar in my world.

From the corner, Jiraiya is looking at them with a "...." blank expression, as he couldn't resist this couple like scene.

"Are you two done with your flirting?", Jiraiya asked annoyingly.

"Ara~ Jiraiya is jealous", Giyu said with a playful smile.

" who said I am jealous, I am just thinking about which girl I should invite to have a meal with", Jiraiya said with pride as his nose become longer.

"hahaha!, Jiraiya you sure are funny ", Giyu laugh.

"Did someone put genjutsu on you ", Tsunade glared at Jiraiya as she was inspecting, if Jiraiya was in a genjutsu.


suddenly the door opened and Asahi enter the classroom.

All students greeted Asahi after that Asahi take their attendance.

"Are you ready for today's test", Asahi said as he looks at the students who were full of energy.

"yes sensei", most of the students said.

" I will show you all the power of youth ", Dai said.

Asahi led all the students to the training venue, and tell them at the first test will be the 'shuriken jutsu' test.

All students try their best and the result where Giyu always hit all the targets but he is not only the one who score full, there is also Orochimaru, Tsunade, sakumo, Ken.

Jiraiya and others also tey their best but they did miss a few.

Now Asahi again led the student to another venue.

"Now it's time for obstacle race ", Asahi tells the students to make a group of 5.

After that Asahi started the obstacle race. First, some civilians try their attempts as they are fully confident and wanted to show that there are no less than the geniuses of their class.

However, the course proved especially difficult for them, pitfall, tripwires, launcher that shot blunted light wooden shuriken. Many turns and twists that would need much time to get with it and various traps that will pop out of nowhere make their obstacle race more difficult than they realised.

None of the students can go pass through the obstacles in 11 minutes. Asahi then started to focus on the students whose grades are good in the class.

Asahi decided to go with 5 students, Ino-shikka-cho , Ken uchicha and sakumo.

As the race ended Sakumo is 1st among them who win with a small gap between him and ken Uchiha. Both easily passed the pitfalls and the tripwires. However, the wooden shuriken gives them a bit of a problem as they sometimes get hit by them.

Inohii also passes the race in less time as possible, there is also shi. who slow jog all the courses but easily pass the trap.

"Now Giyu, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru and Maito dai take your position", Asahi called out to the 5 of them.


Did you all like my story, if not pls tell me.

I will make another fan fic😂.

this is important pls tell me I will dropped it.
