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After several awkward minutes mostly spent in silence, Prema placed Ramiel's halo back on his head, and they made their goodbyes, at least for the time being. 

In a blinding flash, he was gone along with Tamrel who left with him for the golden paved streets of Heaven's holy city. Zeph knew that she would return after showing her brother home, and was not overly worried about how long she would be gone. She had angel work to do and he, his duties as a Nephilim Enforcement Officer.

Leaving clear instructions with Alora's drone self for Samantha Qulla and Norton Coats, Zeph kissed his wives goodbye and strapped on his jetpack.

When he made contact with the deck, Zeph barely managed to stabilize his footing before a NEO on morning watch duty ran over to give him a report.

"One moment. Do not approach!"

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