
Answer to who is the ?...

As Naamah who was the last one to come to visit Zeph in the bedroom removed the blindfold from over Zeph's eyes, Siael and Tamrel walked into the bedroom with their wings wrapped around them like soft feathery blankets. 

"Stay where you are, we just came to pray together with you."

"But I'm, he is still.."

"That is fine. We do it slowly without focusing on it while praying every night when we go to bed and often all asleep like that."

Inside a ball of nine wings prayers were lifted up to the Most High, some spoken in soft whispers, while many went spoken only in their hearts as a private conversation with their Creator. 

Zeph had no idea what Naamah prayed for as he asked for forgiveness, guidance, healthy children, and the answer to one of the burning questions plaguing his mind and that of his women, but he knew that she did pray in earnest as the familiar ding sounded in his head.

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