
Zeph's favorite kind of gifts

Alora's game of Guess Who left Zeph breathless as she cheated a slight bit by using the link between her mind and his to better understand what he could feel when it came to the small differences between Lilith and Lilly internally or behaviorally in bed.

The one thing that made sex with Lilith feel so different than with any other woman he had been with was the pull he felt coming from her womb that was like a miniature black hole that wanted to draw him in and devour his seed.

Alora used what she could "feel" of what Zeph felt when he was inside of Lilith and the nanites she had gifted to Lilly to replicate the feel by creating a small but powerful vacuum chamber inside of the space that could be considered Lilly's artificial womb.

This made it so that between the game and praying with Laxana and Siael, Zeph wished the night would never end, even more than once it was over he would be one step closer to having to part with Laxana and Sonya again.

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