
A normal day of training Part 1

For Zeph, Laxana, and Sonya it became a race against the clock as they ran towards the gymnasium on the academy floor the second they came out of the closest telapod to it. Thanks to their early morning pre-exercise exercise they only had two minutes to make it to what was their first official morning formation held in the gym ahead of the start of the training day.

It was not a good look for them, especially Zeph. Not only was he the leader of squad one, he was the platoon leader of his cycle. Meaning he should be the first person to arrive before the official time set for the formation to be held, and certainly not the last one to arrive.


"Nice of you to show up, Cadet Demonbane. Don't Slam my gym Doors!! Get over here and call formation. You have thirty seconds. Move!"

""Yeah, definitely not off to a good start. Getting yelled at right from the get go by the Sr. Instructor when he looks like he is in a bad mood."

"Fall in."

"Squad Leaders or assistant squad leaders sound of with roll call."

"Squad One all present and accounted for."

"Squad Two all present and accounted for"

"Squad Three..."

Turning around and offering a salute to Sr. Instructor Westnight Zeph said; "Sir, all recruits present and accounted for"

"Good. Cadet Demonbane, recruit bunny, recruit mittens fall out and go run laps around the gym that way you can move a little bit faster and be the first ones here in the morning. Everyone else, open ranks so that we can begin with warm-ups."

Sonya, and Laxana did not need to be called out by name to know that the Sr. Instructor ment them.

They knew better than to even ask how many laps, and just fell out and started running in circles around the gym while everyone else stretched, and did jumping jacks.

**An hour later**

"Alright all of you go hit the showers and get some chow before being in your seats in the main training room in one hour. That includes you Cadet Demonbane."

On the way back to ES001 Zeph finally got a chance to check all of the pending notifications from the Valkyrie Protocol system.


Los Diablos Nephilim Enforcement Criminal Offense Codes installed and processed successfully. 

All stats below 20 have been raised to 20.

Congratulations on reaching the basic standard for humans.


Additional tasks : Achieve 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Completed. 

Reward : 1 point stamina 

Current task : complete day 2 of academy training.


Current Stats:

Stamina 21

Strength 20

Intelligence 51

Divine Blessing 1000

Note- the average base stat for humans is 20 in all categories.


There was also a V-mail message from Siael but he saved it for later as he did not want the girls to think that he was ignoring them or the question they just asked.

"Are we taking one together or taking turns using the two showers?"

"Can you behave if we all take one together, little miss had to pounce as soon as the alarm went off."

"I would be satisfied with just some help washing quickly. I am too tired from all the running for post workout exercise master."

"And what about you?"

"Help me wash the sweat off, and I will take care of you later after lunch and the daily squad debrief."

"Okay then let's quickly go help each other scrub down and take advantage of the kitchen so we can be the first ones to arrive for lecture time."

The shower ended with only a little extra attention paid to certain areas and a few slightly better three way kisses, while breakfast consisted of their choice of cereal bars and fresh fruits. Zeph had coffee, while the girls opted for mixed fruit flavored milk drinks. 

**Main training room**

"Cadet Demonbane, everyone accounted for?"

"One member of squad Three is not present. According to HQ main AI he is located in the dining room on this floor Sr. Instructor Westnight."

"He can keep you company after you separate from us after we have a quick overview of what we went over yesterday and what they were able to learn from you demonstration of various interrogation methods. You will be studying the Law Code book for the first six hours then receiving special instruction on patrol cycle operations for the remaining hours for reasons that should be rather obvious, Cadet Demonbane."

"Understood Sir. Care to join us at Tom's at 13:00 Sir? My treat this time."

"While free steak sounds good, I unfortunately have range time scheduled for this afternoon."

Five minutes later the missing recruit arrived and learned about his punishment for being late.

"Let's review what we learned yesterday. When out of patrol when one makes contact with a civilian...?

"Yes, you squad four leader."

"One should approach in a non-confrontational way unless they have reason to believe that the individual is a suspect of a reported crime or has a warrant for their arrest, as most contacts will be with ordinary citizens going about their lives."

"That is correct. Cadet Demonbane can you please join me at the front for a moment. So that it is easier for the others to ask questions regarding your demonstration and experiences out on patrol."

'Sir would the soft approach you used on the first suspect be effective with most suspects? He seemed to be rather cooperative once you gave him a bottle of iced coffee."

"A more seasoned officer could probably provide you with a better answer than I could, but I do believe that it would only be effective on those that feel guilty, and or are not career criminals like the other two that you got to see interrogated."

"What was it like out patrolling on your own?"

"Boring and mostly uneventful until it wasn't. Things happened fast and I had to act fast and think on my feet not knowing if one of them was armed. The short ride along after was more interesting, and it surprised me that what should have been a simple contact with the father of one of the suspects from earlier turned into an arrest for possession and disobeying the request of an officer as defined by the attempt to flee."

"Thank you Cadet Demonbane. Everyone take a five minute break to use the restroom or get a drink. Cadet Demonbane and his temporary study buddy can go make good use of the auxiliary training room next to this one. The big old code book is waiting for the two of you already. You can study it together at your own pace, but I will be testing you at the end of the six hour training period."

"Sir will one of the other instructors be in with us?"

"No. It is self guided except for the test that you will be given, but if you have any questions you can ask me or one of the other instructors during one of the scheduled breaks."

Next chapter