
Cat Dad’s Grandfather Army Doing Dubious Thing

Chapter 293 – Cat Dad's Grandfather Army Doing Dubious Thing

It was the third day of the expedition. Players still gathered in the Seaside Town and Gnoll Island.

Changes occurred today. Something strange among the players caught the attention of the participating raiders – More than half of the respawned players looked like they had experienced hell. As for the other half, they quietly left their guilds and moved away from the expedition forces without telling anybody.

The sane ones regrouped with their friends and retold their stories in the dungeon. They convinced the others not to enter the dungeon at the moment since it was impossible for them to defeat the level 4000 boss.

As for the other group who abandoned their guilds, they recreated a new guild. Strangely, all players who departed from the raid gathered in this organization – the Pandemonium Guild.

The guild leader was not even a player but a visitor from far away.


