
 Chapter 20 - Payback

Thousand years later:

Dylan stood out the door watching the sky. It was getting dark and the full moon was high in the sky. It was six-thirty now.

The kids were happily playing around in the dirt. Some were even rolling around in the mud laughing and giggling.

These were not just Alpha heirs. after two hundred years, he gave up on that system. He started training every young wolf he could. Most of the common wolves also had the potential to be Alpha, so he wanted to give them a fair chance.

a competition was held every time a new Alpha was needed. The young wolves can participate and whoever comes on the top, winning all the tests will be the new Alpha of the territory.

The times were peaceful now. so everyone was having a good time.

Dylan peered up at the sky. He could see a small tinge of a red mark on the moon.

"Guys, it's dinner time.. Come on now…"

The kids did not even bother looking his way.

He howled loudly and They all froze.

"Everyone in the packhouse now!," Dylan gestured for the young wolves to come in.

They just sighed and whined as any kid would.

"It's not the time to whine about. Go on. Everyone inside now,"

He waited by the door until everyone got in. it had been a thousand years and every time there was an eclipse, they dealt with it this way.

It was the day of the lunar eclipse, or what you call the red moon day. The young wolves were all starting to get nervous. The day the moon loses it's shine, so it weakens the wolf's powers.

Eve thought it was momentary it left the wolves vulnerable.

Dylan stood out there waiting for everyone to enter.

Unlike his sister, he opened up the packhouse and expanded it so everyone can live as one. It really brought out the cheerful environment at home.

Sometimes the younger wolves tend to stiffen up in front of him, but otherwise, they were all cheerful and happy.

It was all he had wanted.

He never had family, but he had a pack united behind him. This really soothed his wolf.

After five hundred years of torment, his wolf finally broke his silence. He only utters a few words now and then.. Even so, that was a great improvement.

Sometimes his wolf would fall into depression.

The red moon was one of those days.

Dylan placed a hand on his chest. "its all good. We have dealt with it for thousand years. Why are you feeling so nervous…"

{'Something feels off Dylan…'} his wolf relayed through their mind link.

"What is it?"

"Alpha king?" his new beta glanced at him. "We should lock the door soon."

"You guys stay in. I will check something out," he gestured for him to lock the door behind him and ran into the forest.

Dry leaves crunched under his footsteps.

It was really a wonder. He had witnessed this woods change during those thousand years. The forest once that was frozen and dead was now filled with lush forests and lively moose and other wildlife.

Their pack had a constant supply of food, thanks to that. Even so, he had ordered his men not to hunt as much as before.

So many species went extinct during the war and some even disappeared. No one knows what happened and how those species just died off.

One such endangered species was the arctic elk. They were a moose species that were on the brink of extinction.

Small branches snapped, bringing him out of his thoughts.

He was exactly close to the old castle… the place he has lost his mate.

Dylan froze. He did not want to walk any closer to this spot. His heart started to thud loudly in his ears.

Another branch snapped loudly, this tie accompanied by footsteps. It was slightly uneven.

Dylan silently hid behind a tree, peering out into the open.

There was a small movement. It was unlike any animal he had seen. And the smell.

He sniffed the air… he could smell blood.

'Is some young wolf wounded?' He slightly panicked. He ran to that spot only to meet the startled eyes of a young man.

His black hair was unkempt and had a huge sack behind him. His whole body was wet.

This guy must have taken a dunk in the river behind them.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Stay back!" the man shouted, backing away from him.

Dylan just raised his hand.

Glancing at the ground, he saw the old bricks and other broken things crushing under his feet. it was that house. it was his mate's house….

He never dared to visit this place. Because every time he did his wolf went absolutely crazy. he would claw at the ground and try to burrow through blindly.

He stumbled back.

"You.. it's okay. I don't mean you any harm," he whispered through his dizzy state.

His wolf was howling and scratching to come out.

He tightly clenched his fist. 'not now!'

{'Let me out!!!!'} He screamed.

"You are the Alpha king.. Oh my god.. I found you… I found you!" the young man manically laughed.

"Listen, I will not hurt you. You are wet. It tends to get cold at night. Come to our pack. We will provide you with clothes and food,"

"Food? Can you provide me blood…." The man sarcastically laughed at his face.

Dylan froze. "You're a vampire.."

"Yes, I am! You fucking bastard! You.. because of you my whole race was killed, hunted… and you thought I want your help?!" with trembling hands the man took out a huge bomb. It was one of those shells that did not go off in the war.

They occasionally found them buried underground.

This vampire must have found this.

Dylan tried to keep him calm. But with his wolf going crazy and this man shouting and screaming, he could not think.

"Stop it!" he shouted.

The vampire sadly smiled. He was literally in tears. "With this… I can avenge my kind… you will die today, wolf,"

Dylan looked up at the sky.

The moon had turned red.


The bomb went off.

The force of the explosion pushed Dylan far away into a tree.

He simply grabbed onto the trunk and climbed up, avoiding the rt of the explosion.

From atop, he anxiously looked down. The dusty cloud settled.

There was blood all over the ground and the ruins were… destroyed.

The whole place was once again flooded by the river nearby.

'His home… it's gone…'

Dylan took a deep breath, trying not to cry. "As my sister said, he lives on in our memories. Nico is still with us…"

He wordlessly watched as the bricks and ruins were washed away by the turbulent river. "I will always miss you, my mate.. I've never seen your face..nor see your beautiful smile … but I will miss you..."
