
Chapter 3 - Is this the end?

[21:36 11.02.22]

In the forest, several silhouettes flickered between the trees, which quietly moved towards the mine. Each of them was wearing high-quality equipment. Under their face masks, one could only see a hard look in the direction of the base.


- Reporting . 3 enemies were spotted at 30 degrees to the north

"Second Squad neutralize these targets immediately. After completing the task, completely seal off the passage. After giving the order, Mark turned towards the entrance to the mine, then looked at the 12 fighters who were in the First squad."The others follow me."

- "That's right!" - Second squad

Moving towards the entrance, several more people were seen standing guard. Bypassing them from 2 sides, they took their positions and waited for the countdown to neutralize 6 people. Thanks to the silencers, they managed to complete the task without noise.

The entrance to the mine consisted of steel walls 5 meters high and in the center of which there was an iron door with a top. Quietly making his way to the door, Mark gave a signal to Igor, who only nodded in response and slowly walked to the door.

Due to the fact that the doors had neither a lock nor a handle, it could only be opened from the back side. And the only way to get inside was only if the person on the other side of the door did not open it.

After Igor stood near the door, he knocked on it several times, after which hurried footsteps with curses were immediately heard from the other side.

- What the hell happened again!

- How did you fuck up constantly doing shit.. How many times have I said that this is the boss's order!

As soon as the man opened the top to see who was knocking on the door, the muzzle of the gun was already pointed in front of his face right in the forehead.

- Bitch!

* Boom*

With a slap, the body with its head thrown back fell to the ground. Due to the fact that Igor was tall and skinny, it was not a problem for him to push through the opening. Immediately, he put his hand through the crack and opened the door from the back with a click.

Moving in a long formation, they moved quickly through the mine. Due to the fact that the mine was well lit from all sides, they had no problems with movement. The passage was a winding tunnel that with every step forced you to descend lower and lower underground.

Every turn, patrolmen stood in their way. Each opponent was equipped with a bulletproof vest and a semi-automatic rifle. If not for the excellent synchronization between their partners, they would not have been able to move so quickly through the enemy base.

Having destroyed all the patrolmen along the way, they continued their journey through the tunnel, until at some point a huge bunker appeared before their eyes.

- "Well, what the fuck have they built here. Heh-heh-heh," Igor said in a whisper, looking towards the huge bunker.

It was completely made of huge steel walls that supported it from all sides. There were 2 armed men standing around the aisle.

- "I think there will be a hostage here. Along the way, we killed more than 40 people and I'm sure they're not so stupid as not to understand that something is not clean here. Therefore, we need to be as careful as possible." Mark said, looking at the First Squad.

Taking out a small earpiece from his pocket, he showed it to his squad.

- "I found this from a man who was on patrol, which we destroyed at the very beginning after entering this mine. Rather, he was a kind of binder. I think they have already guessed that someone has entered their territory."- Said Mark putting the earphone in his pocket.

Turning his gaze back to the bunker, he noticed that the two who had just guarded the door quickly headed towards the door, which was slowly opening under the action of the mechanism and were saying something while pressing their hand to their ear. As soon as he realized that they were most likely informed. Mark immediately immediately ran towards the door.

- Fuck! They're already here!

- Block the entrance! Immediately!

Running at full speed towards the steel door, Mark grabbed on both sides of his legs and took out 2 Desert Eagle, removing them from the fuses and aiming at both heads.

*Clap* *Clap*

Due to the fact that the power of the gun was so strong, two bodies were violently thrown against the wall, leaving a bloody trail behind them, and each of them had a huge through wound in the center of their forehead.

Having neutralized the target, Mark's only thought is to enter the door as soon as possible. Due to the fact that it was controlled by remote control, it had already begun to close, since they had already been found out.

- Mark stop!

- Stop, I'm telling you!

Ignoring his squad, he ran at great speed to the door.

50 meters...

40 meters...

30 meters...

20 meters...

10 meters...

When the door should have already slammed shut, taking advantage of the inertia of his left foot, he turned his torso strongly and at the last moment flew into the crack until he heard the clap that the door had already closed..

* Boom*

Leaning back against the door, he heard a knock on the other side of the door.

- Hey, Mark! Mark, damn you! You're a fucking psycho! Are you alive there?!

- "*Sigh* Yes! Yes... I try to open the door by trying to get to the control center... *Sigh * Wait for my signal on the link!"

- Are you crazy?! You're in a den of thugs right now! Stay at the door!

- "The order is not clear to you!? Mark said with a loud roar, silencing the man on the other side of the door. -

- No, Senior Lieutenant!


The cold sweat running down my face made me feel terrible. Being trapped in this bunker is a very, very bad idea. And to get out, I have to get past a bunch of thugs who probably already know that I am completely under their control.

- Tsk.. That's a hemorrhoid.

After reloading the clip, in pistols, the only way for me was to go down this corridor. The bunker was a kind of laboratory. It looked creepy enough, if you didn't pay attention to the strange sound from the ventilation pipe, which bit hard into your ears.

*Top* *Top*

Walking slowly forward, only the sound of my footsteps could be heard, which was strange. The grip on my pistols was so strong that the veins on my arms began to throb long ago. There should be at least a few people in this place, but while I was walking down the corridor, I couldn't see a single soul. Every door I tried to open was blocked from the inside.


Turning to the creak, I noticed a slightly open door.

- 'This is weird.'

With a quiet step, I approached the door and slightly opened it. And all I saw was darkness. Without thinking twice, stepping inside, where a rustle was heard, as if something was rubbing against the ground. Moving towards the sound, slowly my vision began to get used to the darkness, which is why I was able to see where these sounds were coming from.

The place where I was was something that resembled a warehouse, there were large shelves with various junk everywhere, filling the room like a huge maze. Among other things, there were knives, boxes of bullets, weapons, grenades on the shelves.

Moving through the maze of shelves, I came across a strange floundering object that was lying on the ground.

- "Mr. Minister of the Interior?" - slowly moving towards the body whose legs and arms were tied. With each step, his appearance became more distinct. It was an old man in a black formal suit, which was completely ruined at the moment. There were bruises and bruises on his face here and there, and his mouth was glued with black duct tape.

Hearing my voice, the body began to frantically jerk, as if trying to escape.

- "I'm from the special squad of the Rosgvardiya. Senior Sergeant Mark Borisov." - quickly identifying the man, I introduced myself as quickly as possible and hurried to help with the ropes. "You can calm down, I'll get you out now."

But the strangest thing is that the person seemed to be trying to escape from my hands even when I fully introduced myself, which greatly prevented me from untying the ropes on my wrist. As soon as I took off the duct tape covering his mouth, the old man seemed to go crazy.

- No!

- I don't want to!

His crazy eyes were red when he looked at me, which made me frown that something was wrong.

- Why?!

- This... It's a trap!

- Why did you come!!!

*Knock* *Knock*

Hearing something falling, I noticed 2 small shadows that were slowly rolling towards me. And that was probably my mistake. I didn't even have time to do anything, let alone react..


- "Argh... Aaaaaah!"

- 'It hurts like hell. Fuck.Fuck..Fuck...'

- "A-a-a-a! Bitch!"

- 'No! I can't die! No, no, no.. Mom!'

The pain is simply unbearable. Despite the fact that I'm in a state of shock right now, the only thought was not about a fucking mission, but an attempt to somehow survive. Die?.. No! I can't die when my mother is waiting for me at home. I promised her. I promised I'd be back.

Forcing myself to open my eyes, I saw only the blazing fire surrounding me from all sides. The acrid smell of smoke entered my nostrils, making my mind fog up. Struggling to get up, but the only thing I could do was look down at my body..

- 'M-m-my legs? Where are my legs?!'

All that is now in front of my eyes is the missing lower body. Part of the abdomen is torn to shreds... My legs are gone... Mom..

Without noticing it, the remnants of my strength left my body and I slammed on my back, forcing me to spit out a mouthful of blood. I have no strength.. I can't get up.

After my head tilted to the side from impotence, in the endless fire, I noticed my family photo, which slowly turned into ashes.

- Is this the end?

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Something in the end took me the wrong way. I do not know how to comment on this chapter. Write what you think about this. By the way, this time almost 1800 words =)

Jasmercreators' thoughts