
Ch. 28 Raining Dogs and Men

"So Merlin. You officially first line?" Danny asks while throwing his arm around Merlin and another guy from first line.

"Technically yes, but actually no?" Merlin throws his arm around Danny. "Coach said I'll be playing first line on Friday and if I perform well I'll secure my spot"

An athletic long blond hair guy throws his arm around Merlin's other arm. "So does this mean you're going to Lydia's party after the scrimmage? The entire team is going anyway"

"I'm not sure. I haven't been invited yet Brad" Merlin puts his other arm around the long haired teen, Brad.

"Tons of people show up unannounced dude" A spiky short brown haired guy says while Danny's arm hangs around his shoulder.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, you do keep showing up Nick" Some other guy throws their arm around the spiky haired teen.

"Fuck you Steve, shouldn't you be kissing coaches ass so Merlin doesn't take your first line spot?" Nick retorts and tries to get his arms free but Danny and Steve lock his arms around their shoulders.

Steve smirks. "I'd give my spot to Merlin if it means we get to the finals" He looks at Myrddin. "But I'd like to actually play in the finals when we get there"

"If we get there" Myrddin shrugs.

"You can basically score the majority of the points all on your own man. With Danny as goalie and Jackson being Jackson we will be breezing through it this year" Brad nudges the guys around him.

A few other people join in and the huddle devolves into a bunch of shoves and headbutts.

Myrddin figures that these guys are all very close, considering everything they're doing.


"Okay ladies! Stop circle jerkin it and lets get practice started! Merlin! You and Isaac pair up! Isaac, explain this to him! Everyone else pair up with your fuck buddy and get your asses moving!" Coach Finstock starts exaggeratedly motioning for people to get moving.

A 6'1" guy runs up to Merlin as he puts his helmet on. "Hey Wiz. Names Isaac Lahey. Basically what we're gonna be doing is running up and down the field while passing the ball to each other. Now let's get going before coach decides to rip us a new one"

Myrddin puts his helmet on. "Myrddin Wyllt. Merlin is easier to say. And I'll follow your lead until I get the hang of it"

Isaac tosses a ball to Merlin. "Let's get going then"

After catching the ball Myrddin begins running alongside Isaac and they pass the ball back and forth.

"After about 15-20 yards you pass it. Easy enough right?" Isaac says before putting some distance between Myrddin and himself.

Myrddin looks at how far away they are and shrugs. His mind and body instinctively know how hard and where to throw the ball to pass it to perfectly to Isaac.

They go back and forth and they don't drop the ball. Each of Merlin's throws are spot on and Isaac barely needs to try and catch them. But Myrddin ends up having to make a few lunges to catch the ball. But nothing too bad.

"Alright you chuckle fucks! Swwwwitch~!" Finlock points towards the sky in a circular motion over his head.

"We…. *Hahh*…. Change partners until… *Hahh*… tells us to stop…" Isaac pants. "Hey Merlin… *Hahh*… I thought Wizards were supposed to be unathletic?"

Merlin tosses the lacrosse ball up in the air and catches it a few times. "I guess I'm just built different"

The next partner is Brad.

The long haired blond guy smacks Myrddin's stick to get the ball. But Merlin flicks his stick in a 360 and catches it with the ball still in its mesh.

"Oh fuck…. Try not to take my spot alright?" Brad asks and has to admit that that was cool as shit.

Merlin tosses the ball lightly to Brad. "Which position do you play?"

Brad catches the ball and rocks his stick side to side while they wait to start running. "Defense 1"

Myrddin gets in a running stance as his cleats dig into the dirt. "Then you have nothing to worry about, I'm gunning for Mid 2"

Brad looks up at the sky. "Phew~, you have no idea-"


The athletes all take off at varying speeds as they run up and down the field with their partners.


Erica watches as Myrddin continues to be the fastest one on the team. Even against Jackson he practically dusts him. She hears some of the girls cheer Merlin on and she contemplates doing it too. But after watching Lydia and her new clique member cheer Myrddin on she decides to keep quiet and just watch.


"Does he ever stop?" Allison comments as Myrddin doesn't look out of breath at all. Scott looks better compared to the rest of the team as well but at least he looks like he's getting tired.

Lydia sits with her hands in her lap. "It looks like he's got plenty of energy to spare~"

"Hey Lydia?" Allison watches as the head coach grabs Myrddin and Scott. "You knew Myrddin last year, right?"

Lydia looks at Allison for a few seconds. "I did, what about him? Curious about his past? Can't say I know much though"

"I just wanted to ask what he was like" Allison looks away.

"So he DID catch your eye~" Lydia nudges the girl beside her playfully. "Unfortunately that doesn't help you. I still don't know much about him. Last year he was very different than how he is now, at least that's what I think. He changed a LOT over the summer. He used to be shorter than me, but he was a cunning little guy. He was picked on, but he found his ways to get even. He's still just as snarky and blunt as he was, but he's gained a confidence boost with whatever happened to make him grow into THIS"

Allison smiles. "Sounds like you knew more than a little about him"

"Let's just say I was forced to know about him after a certain point" Lydia references Myrddin blackmailing her and Jackson. "But he's mostly a loner, if that's your type"

"I don't have a type" Allison quickly responds.

"Girl" Lydia gives a knowing look. "We ALL have types, no need to be shy about it. If I didn't know Myrddin last year I might be tempted"

"Aren't you dating Jackson?" Allison gives Lydia a weird look.

"I said I was tempted. Not that I was going to ravage him and find what his stamina limits truly are. I can window shop without buying anything, and there's a reason they let you try on clothes before you actually buy them" Lydia looks back at the field and sees Myrddin and Scott sprinting up and down the field like they're competing.

"Hah!?" Allison nervously laughs and skeptically turns away from Lydia.

"Listen, how about this. I can tell you can't decide on which guy you want. Why not try a few outfits on before you decide?" Lydia hints.

"That sounds like, a bad idea" Allison tries to disagree.

"To each their own~" Lydia shrugs.



Heavy ran crashes down on the entirety of Beacon Hills with an occasional thunder strike.

"Hey, why can't I do that?" Myrddin asks as he waits near the spot where Allison would have hit the dog.


A particularly strong thunder roars and shakes the ground beneath Myrddin's feet.

"Ok. Maybe that's why I can't do that yet" Myrddin wonders how he would be able to use lighting.


Myrddin looks around with a frown. This is the first time he was told an incantation without performing the spell on his own.

Could this mean that he wouldn't have been able to do it on his own? Or was the weird voice just being kind? Will this magic be special?

Currently he has his arms folded across his chest while he waits in the rain. He's completely soaked. At least he has a waterproof phone case that is also more durable than his previous ones.

His white shirt is practically glued to his chest. And his shoes definitely have more water than foot in them.

He's been looking around for the dog but hasn't seen the thing at all. The rain makes it hard to see, but with his enhanced vision it makes it easier.


Myrddin hears the car and begins searching for the dog.


Allison is driving down the road in the family car.

She is coming back from Lydia's study spot, they just finished some homework. Allison decided to see if Myrddin was right about Lydia being smart, and she was nicely surprised.

If Lydia wasn't smart it would have been much harder to be her friend. But now she feels like she's seen a new side to Lydia. Even though her bitchiness is still there, but everyone has their rough edges. Like how the cute boy always acts strange.

Her windshield wipers are on almost full speed. It's raining cats and dogs. She's driving slower than the speed limit but she wants to get home sometime tonight so it's only 5 below the speed limit.

Her headlights illuminate the road in front of her but not all that far. She wouldn't be driving unless she absolutely had to. But she's not a terrible driver. She just hopes that nobody dives out in front of her car like what happened to her mom when they first got into town Sunday night.

Over her iPod starts playing static so she slows down a bit and changes the song and as she does so she hears some barking and looks back at the road…


She screams as somebody dashed across the street as soon as she hoped nobody would.


She swerved across the empty side of the street to avoid this crazy maniac. Her car bounces slightly as she stops her car back on the right side of the road.

Her hands are holding the steering wheel in a death grip as she blankly stares out the windshield. She looks in her rear Jew mirror but can't see anything beyond the backseat of the car and some wet road.


Allison hears a dog howl in pain and her heart sinks. Did she really just run over a person AND a dog?

Without wasting any more time she takes her keys and flings her car door open and runs out into the pouring rain.



"What's wrong now? You didn't get hit, I didn't get hit… Did I land in your paw or something?" Myrddin cradles the big dog in his lap as he kneels on the road.


He turns his head and sees an Allison standing in the street looking absolutely horrified. A little bit of trauma never hurt anyone right?

"Hey there Allison, do you make it a habit of ALMOST hitting people or are you just naturally drawn to bump into me?" Myrddin smirks and stands up with the dog in his arms.

"So… I didn't…?" Allison looks at the dog and Myrddin, but her heart doesn't let her feel any better until she hears a confirmation.

Myrddin shakes his head. "You didn't. But you came very close. And you hit that pothole very hard"

Allison looks down the road a little bit and sees a giant pothole. "So… you and the dog…"

"I'm just dandy, but this Border Collie here is complaining about something. I might have been a little aggressive when I snatched him up" Myrddin says with a frown as he puts his forehead on the dogs head that lowers down onto his shoulder.

Allison feels a bit better but is still flustered and shaken up. "W-what do we do? I… I remember seein an animal clinic in town. We should go there right?!"

"That would be a good place to go. I work there so even if Scott isn't there we will be fine" Myrddin walks up to Allison. "Can I catch a ride? I was out for a walk and the rain caught me off guard"

"Y-yeah! But I think he will have to go in the trunk to feel comfortable…" Allison sees the dog holding its leg carefully.

"Are you going to make me sit next to him or where can I sit?" Myrddin asks and looks at her car.

"Wherever you want, but let's hurry please! I don't want him to suffer more because of me" Allison runs to her car and opens the back up.

After setting the dog in the back he pats it's head and goes to the passenger seat while Allison gets in and starts the car.

Before she even puts the car in drive she tightly holds the steering wheel and takes a few breaths.

"Take it easy Allison. The dog will be fine. From what I saw it might just have a minor sprain or something. I think it's being a little dramatic, so take your time and relax" Myrddin buckles himself in.

Allison looks over at Myrddin who pushes his hair back to stop the water from running down his face. She can't help but have her eyes drawn down to his shirt which only tantalizes her. It's like it's not there but it's there just enough to bother her. She closes her eyes and shakes her head before turning back to the road and driving off. "Thanks… I'm not sure what I would have done if I actually…."

"I'm sure you would have handled it well enough" Myrddin looks at her and can tell she is absolutely drenched even if she was only out in the rain for a few brief moments. "And when we get to the clinic I'll loan you some dry clothes"

Allison nods as she solely focuses on the road.


Scott is freaking out, but trying not to.

He just got ready to clean his bite wound and change the bandage. But it was already healed!

And when he went to feed the animals ALL the cats started screaming and hissing at him as soon as he walked in.

At this point, he's just wanting to go home and get some sleep-

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

He goes over towards the front door and sees the most beautiful girl he's ever seen standing outside and worriedly looking back at something.

Scott runs over to the door and pulls it open.

"Allison, really? I told you I work here right?"

Scott looks back and sees Merlin getting out of Allison's car and he feels something in his chest. It hurts, but he also gets angry.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just… a bit f-flustered I guess…" She says on the brink of tears.

"Hey, it's ok now. Don't fret about it" Merlin goes towards the back of the car.

Allison looks back to the cute boy from school and her emotions just burst out. "I didn't see it, them. I took my eyes off the road, for like 2 seconds to change the song on my iPod! And then this dog, and Myrddin, came out of like nowhere and I…. I…. I…."

"It's alright. It's alright. It's alright" Scott repeatedly tells her before stepping out. "It's alright. Do you remember where it happened so I can send animal control to find it?"

"No! I mean yes, I know where I hit it, but the dog is-" She points behind her.

"Where is it?" Scott asks.

Allison points at her car, behind her. "It's in my car"

They both run behind the car and see Myrddin standing there in the rain with his arms folded over his chest.

Allison knows where the stitch is to open the trunk and quickly opens it.

*Bark* *Growl~!* *Bark-bark-bark*

Allison jumps back and Myrddin puts his arm around her. "You ok? This guy is just a bit spooked"

Scott retracts his open arms and looks away from the two and at the dog. "She is just frightened"

Allison looks at Scott. "Well that makes two of us"

"Let me see if I have any better luck" Scott steps forwards and the dog barks at him.

Murddin watches as Scott stares down the dog and slightly lowers his head.


The dog does a complete 180 in its mood and becomes docile. It lowers its head and allows Scott to touch it.

"Jesus man. Since when are you a dog whisperer?" Myrddin asks.

Scott look back at him. "I'm not really sure"

"Fair. Let me grab her and take her to the examination room. I think it's just a sprain but it might be worse" Myrddin pats Allison on the shoulder and let's her go.

"I'm sorry Merlin, but… I can't let you touch her now that she's here. It's a legal thing" Scott steps in front of him to block him off from the dog.

Allison cuts in. "But Myrddin works here…." She says, not sure if that's the truth now. Shouldn't the workers at least know eachother?

Scott widens his eyes. "Myrddin? Myrddin Wyllt?"

"Hi Spock" Myrddin does the Vulcan salute.

Scott's mouth slacks open. "YOU'RE-"

"Look, can we talk about this inside? It's raining and I'm getting cold" Myrddin taps Scott on the shoulder and picks the dog up. "Now don't go trying to attack me now just because you like Scott better than me now…"

The dog looks up at him and licks his face.

Scott goes to the door and opens it.

Myrddin walks in followed by Allison. He uses his foot to open the gate and feels like the splinter phantom pain all over his body.


The cats start freaking out frkm the other room as Myrddin walks by.

"What's up with them tonight? They never act like that" Myrddin looks into the other room for a few seconds.

"I don't know. They freaked out when I went inside earlier" Scott says while shutting the front door.

After setting the dog down on the metal table Myrddin walks towards the back and opens a bottom cabinet as he takes two things out.

Scott and Allison stand next to the table while Scott examines the dog who is simply laying down and not moving.

"I think you're right Myrddin, it looks like a minor sprain" Scott says and nods towards Allison. "I've seen the doctor treat this plenty of times. I can do it myself and give her a painkiller for now"

The girl has her arms crossed and clearly looks cold.

"I-I have a shirt in my bag" Scott points over his shoulder.

"Oh, I don't want to trouble you" Allison denies.

Myrddin tosses a blue shirt at Allison who catches it. "Enough with the over politeness please. I'm freezing so I know you are. Hurry up and change in here"

He walks over to the door connecting to a side room and opens the door. He takes his shirt off and hangs it over the glass window to give her some privacy.

Allison blushes. "T-Thanks…"

Myrddin is holding a red shirt. "Don't mention it, now hurry up"

She walks into the other room and was able to see Myrddin without his wet shirt on. And she really doesn't know which was better. The wet shirt made her mind try and fill in what little the shirt was hiding. But with the shirt off she could see the drops of water roll down his abs….

The door closes and she can feel her face burning up. She looks behind her and sees the shirt blocking the view, but it more or less just makes it blurry. She sees Myrddin's muscular back through the blurry shirt-window as he walks over towards Scott.

Not wanting to be in her own cold shirt much longer she turns her back to the window and takes it off.


Myrddin walks to the examination table and stands across from Scott. He sees his coworker look at the window and can't help but look himself.

They can see Allison's blurry back through his wet tshirt. And both guys realize something.

She wasn't wearing a bra.

There was no fabric on her back after she took her shirt off. So unless she wore a bra that EXACTLY matched her skin tone she didn't have anything underneath the shirt.


"What?" Scott looks away from the window and at the dog. "I didn't see anything"

Myrddin looks away from the window. "WE, didn't see anything" He corrects.

The dog whines as it lays back down.

"So….. you really are Myrddin…" Scott says with disbelief in his tone.

"Yeah, and you're really Scott. I was surprised to se you perform so well at practice" Murddin says while he finds the neck hole of his shirt.

"You're surprised?! I'm the one realizing that you are the Merlin that is coaches star athlete now!" Scott loudly shout-whispers.

"I'm also surprised about that too. I got caught by coach scoring goals during Monday's lunch. He basically told me I was joining the team then and there" Myrddin finds the neck hole and lifts his arms over his head and puts the shirt on.

Scott compares the frail body of Myrddin to this chiseled body of Merlin. It's so unreal. Even more unreal than his bite wound healing so fast.

"We should treat this 'girl' sooner rather than later" Myrddin says after pulling his shirt down.


Allison walks back into the room with the baggy shirt on. It would have fit Myrddin perfectly, but his body compared to Allison's is… let's just say that Myrddin is 6'2" with muscle and Allison is 5'8" while being skinny.

She sees Scott and Myrddin helping the dog and stands at the edge of the examination table. Myrddin on her right with Scott on her left. "Thank you both for doing this, I feel really~ stupid"

Scott smiles goofily. "How come?"

Allison looks down at the dog. "Cause I freaked out like a total girl"

Scott nods his head towards her. "You are a girl"

Allison shakes her head. "I freaked out like a girly girl. And I'm not a girly girl"

Scott puts the warm towel on the dogs leg and continues talking to Allison. "What kind of girl are you?"

"Tougher than that" She shoots back before looking down at the dogs hind legs. "At least I thought I was…"

"Hey, I'd be freaked out too…. In fact, I'd probably cry. And not like a man either. Like the biggest girly girl ever" Scott tries to comfort her.

"Hehehe" She giggles.

Scott nods. "I'd be pathetic"

"Yeah, right" Allison moves some of her wet hair out of her face.

Myrddin doesn't want to listen to any more awkward back and forth between the two.

As he was about to go and leave the room Allison looks at him. "What about you?"

"Me?" Myrddin turns around. "About being a girly girl?"

Allison shrugs under his big shirt. "I don't know. You were so calm. And you jumped in front of my car to save the dog…. Weren't you scared?"

Myrddin looks to the side of the room. "I'm scared of a lot of things. But I won't let that get in the way of me helping others. I don't like watching animals or innocent people getting hurt, so it doesn't matter if I'm scared or not. Just gotta push through it"

Allison's smile doesn't go away, but goes to an understanding and slightly amazed smile. "You certainly didn't show it…"

"I don't think I've shown anyone but my mom, other people might take advantage of me" Myrddin shrugs.

Both Scott and Allison can see in his eyes and expression that he isn't lying.

"It's… not good to bottle your feeling up and hide them away" Allison rubs her left elbow.

"I wouldn't say I bottle it up…" Myrddin thinks back to the past. He usually just pushes certain emotions down and funnels them into other things. Why let his judgement be clouded by fear? And if he shows anyone he's afraid of something they'll be likely to use it against him in the future.

"If… you want to talk about things… I'm a good listener" Allison gives him a bright smile.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I've gotta go get some ice, I'll be back in a minute" Myrddin waves and then walks out and goes down a hallway towards where the ice is. He's not sure why he said that. It was stupid and a lapse in judgment.

When he gets the ice and comes back he sees Allison standing next to Scott. She is petting the dog and Scott brushes some of her hair away.

Myrddin can hear what they're talking about clearly, instead of the muffles it would have been without his improved senses.

"So, uhm… I was wondering. I mean… is it really family night on Friday? Or do you think you maybe you'd like to go to that party with me?" Scott stumbles his way through the question.

Allison seriously looks at him and her smile disappears.

As Scott looks at her his heart stops as he's expecting to get rejected.

"Family night was a total lie" Allison says.

Scott's smile comes back. "So is that a yes? You'll go?"

Allison smiles and shows off her teeth. "Definitely yes"

A few seconds go by as they smile at eachother.


The door opens and Myrddin walks in. "Sorry that took so long. I've got the ice. You two can leave, I'll get this guy in the kennel and make sure to let the right people know we have a possibly missing dog"

Allison looks at the clock. "My moms gonna kill me. I'm sorry to dump this on you Myrddin"

"Hey, I'm the one that jumped in front of a car to save a dog. I think I brought this on myself. Now get outta here before you get grounded. Scott, walk her out will you?" Myrddin walks towards the dog and sets the ice next to its paw.


Scott comes back in the clinic and goes towards the exam room. He looks at Merlin… Myrddin…. Whoever this guy is. "Why were you in the woods Sunday night?"

4,381 words

We went over 1,700 power stones last week!!

I’ll be trying to continue writing and at least get one out per day for a little while. Any beyond that is bonus for you guys!!!

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts
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