
Ch. 16 Dream Sequence

During Myrddin's Calculus 2 class he was half paying attention to the teacher. He knew the whole course by this point and didn't really need to pay attention to class. It also didn't help that Christmas break was just a week and a half away. And exams were right at the end, so they were transitioning to review over what they learned from the previous months.

The teacher knew how far ahead Myrddin was so she usually just lets him work on whatever he wants at the back of the class. As long as he keeps his grades up, she won't step in.

Currently he was reading a veterinary biology book. Mammals for the most part have the same organs, generally it's just where they are located is what changes from species to species.

It's about halfway through the class when Myrddin excuses himself to go to the restroom.

He heads to classroom 118 and looks inside. Erica is fine and she's sitting at her desk.

At the beginning of his Calculus 2 class he had another 'dream sequence' and looked into the classroom from just outside. He saw the time, class number, and date. He also saw Erica have a seizure in class. People just took their phones out and were recording her. Some idiot also tried to put a spoon in her mouth.

Myrddin didn't see anything beyond the idiot try sticking the spoon into her mouth so he'd rather be safe than sorry. And if nothing happens then he can prove his 'dream sequences' are him going crazy.

There isn't anyone else in the halls as the time of her seizure is a minute away. So Myrddin just waits next to the door as he listens in.

"Erica, please answer the question on the board" The teacher asks as he sits in his chair behind his desk.

Myrddin hears some whispers and chatter from her classmates. Then he hears a chair slide back and he soon sees her standing at the whiteboard.

From his angle he can only see the board. He watches as Erica shakily picks up a marker and hesitate to write on the board.

"Do you need a hint?" The teacher asks.

"N-no, I was… just thinking my answer through" Erica responds and scribbles her answer on the board messily.

Myrddin doesn't blame her for the bad handwriting. He also struggles to write on vertical surfaces.

After Erica writes her answer on the board she heads back to her seat and out of Myrddin's sight as the last minute passes.

"Correct Erica, excelent answer. Have some more confidence in yourself, you're better than you give yourself credit for" The teacher praises her.

The sound of a chair scooting forward can be heard and some more whispers as well. Some people calling her a teachers pet and some less polite terms.

But no seizure.

After waiting a couple more minutes there is nothing. No screaming or concerned shouts from students. No crashing noise as Wrica falls out of her seat.

Myrddin walks back down the hall. He had spent a little longer than he expected to wait for nothing to happen.


The sound of a desk flipping and crashing onto the ground rings through the halls.

"Son of a-" Myrddin turns around and runs back to 118 and looks inside the classroom as he hears people shout.

He sees Erica on the ground and people crowding around her as her muscles begin spasming. And the teacher freezing instead of going to help the girl.


Myrddin throws the door open and charges into the room. "What are you all doing?! Move the desks!"

He pushes a desk out of the way but nobody else does anything and most of them just point their cameras.

Since this isn't getting anywhere he grabs a jacket from a nearby chair and kneels down. Myrddin points at three guys. "You three! Move the desks and chairs around or she can break a bone!"

This seemed to start their brains and they began to move some chairs and desks away from Erica.

Myrddin places the jacket on the ground and gently lifts Erica's head for a second to slide it underneath. After he gets the jacket under her head he looks at the teacher. "Get everyone out of here! This isn't a show!"

"R-right… Everyone out! Or else you'll be seeing the principal very soon!" The teacher says. He also threatens to call some parents among other punishments.

"You, did you record this from the beginning?" Myrddin asks. He remembers this guy was recording Erica since she answered her question on the board when he had his 'dream sequence'.

"N-no! Why would I do that?" He defends himself but the phone in his hand is a dead giveaway.

"It's a good thing. You're supposed to record these things when they happen. Give me your phone real quickly so I can check when this started" Myrddin holds his hand out.

The guy looks hesitant but hands it over. Myrddin checks the recording and sees that Erica was sitting normally before randomly collapsing to the ground. Then Myrddin bursts into the room a minute later.

"Thanks, now please give her some privacy. These things can be traumatic to anyone involved" Myrddin hands the phone back and looks down at Erica.

The guy looks at Erica's spasming body and doesn't need to be told twice to leave. He can only imagine if he was the one on the ground instead. He quickly leaves the room.

Myrddin continues to stay kneeling beside Erica. He looks up at a desk and sees a metal spoon that likely came from the cafeteria. Looks like he stopped the genius before they even got the idea to stick it in her mouth.

"Don't worry Erica, I'm here with you" Myrddin says as he looks back over to the clock. It's been a little over a minute.

Erica's eyes are open and they're looking up and almost back into her skull. Her arms and legs are spasming and moving about. And then a liquid begins to be released between her legs.

"Oh shit!" He mutters and glances over his shoulder at the teacher trying to stop the kids from looking in.

Without a second thought he takes off his jacket and sets it over her waist and thighs.

Her movements were looking less violent as the second minute passes.

By the next 30 seconds Erica's seizure ends.

"There you go" Myrddin coos as he waits a few more seconds. "I'm going to touch you Erica, I need to move you on your side. Alright? Here we go"

Myrddin makes sure to move his jacket with Erica as he rolls her onto her side. "I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm gonna tilt your head back so you can breath better alright?"

There obviously isn't a response from the girl. Her eyes are closed and she's breathing. Her chest rises and falls slowly, but Myrddin moves the back of his hand to her nose and mouth just to be sure she's getting air.

After making sure she's breathing he makes sure that her mess isn't too visible to the onlookers. "Erica, you should be returning to consciousness soon. Just keep laying still for me. There's nobody else in the classroom right now"

A few minutes later and Erica's eyes slowly flutter open. Her eyes begin scanning around the room as she begins to come back to consciousness.

"It's me, Myrddin. Your in the classroom right now Erica. Your classmates and teacher are outside right now, there's no rush to get up. Take your time" Myrddin can see the confusion and then the worry in Erica's eyes.

"M-Myrddin…?" Erica mutters as she looks at him and spots his red hair.

"I know I'm not exactly the best thing to see after a seizure but you'll have to deal with it for a little bit. How are you feeling? Try not to move" Myrddin jokes a little bit to try and help Erica. She already looks uncomfortable and confused.

"What are you…" Erica struggles to finish her sentence.

"You don't need to force yourself to talk" Myrddin brushes her hair out of her face. "I was passing in the hall when I heard some commotion from this room and saw you having a seizure. It lasted for roughly 2 and a half minutes"

"Why.. do I feel…." Erica looks down at her lower half and sees a black jacket covering her.

"It's alright, don't worry about that. Nobody else knows I think" Myrddin looks over his shoulder at the door again for a quick second.

Tears begin to swell up at the corners of her eyes. "B-but I…"

Myrddin rests his hand on her shoulder. "Remember what happened to me at homecoming? I wish I had pissed myself up on that stage. But now my hair is this dark red color for the foreseeable future which makes it a little harder to forget. If we play this right nobody will know about your situation. We can even have your teacher lead the students elsewhere while I get you to the nurses. Just focus on resting for now please"

Erica sniffles and nods her head a little bit.

With her handled for the moment Myrddin looks at the back of the class and spots a Febreze. He also notices the teacher looking into the classroom as he tries to block the small glass window on the door with his body.

Myrddin motions for him to come in.

As soon as the door opens Myrddin speaks: "Please get them out of here and come back so you can help me take her to the nurses"

The teacher nods. "There are a few teachers already on their way here" He then closes the door.

After that Myrddin grabs the febreze and comes back to Erica. "Someone had some pretty nasty science experiment in their bag. I'm gonna use this to help you breath a little bit better ok?"

He wasn't lying. There was a foul stench from a bag that was nicked over at the edge of the classroom.

Erica nods. It was already hard to breathe without that awful stench. She was worried it was herself before.

After he sprays the bottle he sits in front of Erica. "Have you been taking your medication?"

"N… no…" Erica admits. And before she continues Myrddin talks.

"I know the side effects aren't great. But I think not taking them is worse. I'm not sure how long you've been off them but you look worse now than you did while you were on them" Myrddin takes his glasses off and points at his eyes. "I wish I had a medication that could help with my eyes. I'd take acne and weight gain over going blind in an instant. Although your situation is different, I think weight gain and acne is better than dying"

Erica isn't even sure how to respond to Myrddin. She just wanted to fit in and her acne and weight was stopping her. She felt like an outcast with how she looked… looks.

"Moving past that…" Myrddin changes the topic. "Do you want to go to the nurses to wait for your parents to pick you up? Or do you want to spend the rest of the school day in the nurses office until school ends? I'll stick with you either way"

"Parents…" Erica weakly says.

"Smart choice, I can't imagine staying in the nurses office for more than a few minutes. It isn't the most hospitable place" Myrddin rubs the back of his neck.

Suddenly the door swings open and a few random teachers show up.

Myrddin simply raises his hand and lowers it to let them know to keep things calm. Or he hopes they understand that much. "She still needs a few more minutes to recover before we can move her. Someone should call her parents"

The teachers basically take over and Myrddin is just there to answer questions about the seizure since Erica can't remember her seizures.

When Erica was able to move a little on her own they helped her stand and took her to the nurses office. One of the teachers discretely got a bottle of disinfectant and some paper towels to clean up the mess left behind but no students were aware of the reason why. That same teacher also discovered the 'science experiment' in the backpack and took care of that as well.

Myrddin would have offered a shoulder to Erica but he wasn't exactly stronger than a teacher. So he just walked at her side. His jacket tied around her waist. He stayed with her for the 30 minutes until her mom came and picked her up. His things were taken from the classroom and he was excused for the time he was with Erica.

He is satisfied with how this went. He can only imagine what would have happened if he didn't step in when he did. The teachers thanked him and asked him some more questions now that Erica was alright and gone.


It didn't take long for the video to spread like wild fire around the school.

But it was actually alright, there were even some sources that wanted to use the video as a 'What To Do' help video for some websites. But both Myrddin and Erica turned that down.

It wasn't exactly a flattering video of Erica spasming on the ground. And Myrddin definitely didn't want his hair to be even more immortalized on the internet.

But something that came out of this is that his 'dream sequences' aren't exactly dreams. Turns out they're visions of the future.

A pretty unique superpower, but now he really does wonder if he's gone insane or not.

2,310 words

Epilepsy is very serious. I tried to incorporate as much information as I could.

Just know it’s impossible to swallow your own tongue. The only danger is that a person might bite their own tongue or cheek during a seizure. DO NOT STICK ANYTHING IN A PERSONS MOUTH IF THEY ARE HAVING A SEIZURE. it’ll do more harm than good because it might break the persons teeth.

I would recommend you do some quick google searches on epilepsy and seizures so you don’t freeze like the teacher.

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts
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