
Ch. 7 First Job

He gets home and sees his mom sitting in her recliner. "Hey mom. Sorry I'm late, Lydia stopped me down the street and we talked for a little bit"

Ada was preparing her mom speech but then she heard her some mention a girl. "Oh~? And what was that about?"

"You aren't going to talk about how I'm 3 minutes late?" Myrddin asks to cover his tracks.

Ada waves it away. "It's fine. Sometimes walking takes a little longer than expec- What happened to your face?! And your glasses?!" She finally turns towards her son since taking a quick glance when the door opened. She saw his bandaged cheek and his broken glasses and her heart felt like it was being squeezed.

"Oh, almost forgot about this" Myrddin adjusts his broken glasses. "I was trying to figure out where my classes were and I ended up tripping up the stairs. I took an elbow to the cheek and my glasses fell down the stairs. It was an accident"

Ada shoots up from the recliner and graves her sons face as she takes the bandage off to check it. "THIS was an accident? It looks like someone tried to punch your face in!"

Myrddin gives a small smile. "That's what the nurse said too. But she said nothing was broken and it'll heal in about 2-3 weeks give or take a few days. She was very nice and understanding"

"Are you sure you're ok? This looks so painful" Ada moves her son's face around to compare the two sides to see how different they are and check the swelling.

"It's fi- OWWW! It's fine as long as someone doesn't touch it!" Myrddin gets interrupted by his mom poking his cheek, specifically the cheek bone that hurts the worse.

Ada smiles apologetically. "Sorry! Sorry. Was just making sure"

"Of what? That it's not makeup?" Myrddin sarcastically asks.

"Oh hush" Ada lets him go. "And if you wore makeup I wouldn't care. But if you had managed to use makeup to this degree I'd force you to do my makeup"

"But you only really wear makeup when dad comes home" Myrddin gently touches his cheek and recoils when it stings.

"Speaking of which…" Ada has some conflicting expressions. "Good news first! We are staying here for at least a year! Bad news, your father won't be coming home this year…"

"At all?" Myrddin isn't sure how to feel about this. He did kinda look forward to seeing has dad. But why did she say 'at least one year'?

"Sorry Myr. He just got roped into this big project for the company. But there's some more good news! When this finishes he said he will be able to come home for an extended vacation! Like months!" Ada enjoys messing with her kids. She knows that they like the bad news first and the good news second. And she likes seeing their expressions. Especially Myrddin since most of the time he is studying or busy with something else. And hopefully this news will improve his mood.

"That's great!" Myrddin genuinely smiles. "Oh, mom. Do you think I can get a part time job at the Animal Clinic? Dr. Deaton, the veterinarian there, already offered it and said we can talk more when I get my parent's approval"

"Like a vet clinic? That's great! Today must have been a very eventful day for you!" Ada gives a big bear hug to Myrddin. She makes sure to not touch his back but she doesn't know about his shoulder that's hurt.

"I-Is that a yes?" Myrddin does his best to ignore the pain.

"I will check the place and this 'Dr. Deaton' out before I give you my answer. But right now I don't see why you can't" Ada tousles his hair after she frees him from her hug.

"Thanks mom" Myrddin smiles at her brightly.


At school the next day.

"Hey Scott, Stiles. How are you guys doing?" Myrddin walks up to the comedic duo.

"Y-you are surprisingly happy after what happened yesterday" Stiles remembers how to use words.

Scott slaps the back of his hand into Stiles' stomach. "What he meant is, how are you feeling after yesterday?"

Myrddin rolls his sore shoulder. "A little banged up but much better actually. Thanks"

"A little banged up? Dude! Your face looks like half a- ooof" Stiles gets a harder back hand to the stomach from Scott.

"It looks worse than it is, honestly. The worst part is my glasses. But I'm able to get a new pair soon even if they didn't break so it works out. I just have to deal with this old pair for a little longer" Myrddin continues the casual conversation.

"So what's up?" Scott asks, trying to change the topic.

Myrddin takes his phone out. "I was wondering if we could exchange numbers? I also wanted to ask if either of you had a video of the fight yesterday"

Stiles slaps Scott back before taking his phone out. "I've got a few! I think this one should be added to your highlight reel, it shows you and you can clearly be heard"

"Stiles!" Scott shouts.

Stiles gestures 'What?' with his hands while he shows Myrddin.

"Cool, yeah. This'll work, thanks Stiles" Myrddin says while watching the clip. And it's not very flattering on his part. Getting punched around never looks good.

Scott facepalms at his best friend's actions. "Why do you want the video anyway? Wouldn't you want it to disappear?"

Myrddin hands his phone over to Stiles so he can put his phone number in. "It's probably already on the internet. It's not gonna go away even if I wanted it to"

Stiles hands Myrddin back his phone and texts him the video. "Yeah, it was on the internet before me and Scott even got to help you up from the grou-" He pauses and sees Scott's expression and chooses to shut up.

"That's to be expected" Myrddin doesn't get upset about that. It is only a matter of time until Gwen or his mom finds out though. So hopefully Jackson makes his decision sooner rather than later. He hands his phone over to Scott next. "You too Scott"

Scott awkwardly smiles and takes the phone. "Right, uhm. One second"

Stiles puts a hand on Myrddin's right shoulder, the one that isn't hurt. "Guys, don't panic or look but Lydia Martin is looking over at us right now"

Hearing the word 'don't look' Scott immediately looks over and sees the strawberry blond girl glaring over at them. As soon as he spots the girl he gets a backhanded slap to the stomach from Stiles.

"Scott! What did I just say?" Stiles complains.

"You were staring at her! I just took a quick glance you bozo" Scott defends himself and rubs his stomach. "And I didn't hit you that hard…"

Stiles is already in his own fantasy. "Why do you think she's staring over here? Do you think she finally noticed me?"

"I don't know about you Stiles, but she does NOT look happy" Scott gives Myrddin back his phone after noticing the very short contacts list.

Stiles shrugs. "She hasn't really been peachy since her parents' divorce"

"How do you know her parents are divorced?" Myrddin asks.

Scott looks down a random hallway. "Stiles here is what we call a stalker. He's had a crush on her since-"

"The 3rd grade. And it's still going strong" Stiles finishes Scott's sentence.

Myrddin gives a weird look to Stiles. "Did you even know what love is back then?"

"All I know is that she's been on my mind for the past 6 years at least" Stiles takes his hand off Myrddin's and leans back against his locker.

"I assume she hasn't always been this stuck up bitch?" Myrddin asks as he sends a glance over his shoulder at Lydia.

Stiles nods. "It's new… but it's also kinda really hot"

"I'm not going to judge what you're into man, but good luck getting past Jackson" Myrddin shifts his backpack.

"Oh crap! Guys, we better get to class soon!" Scott says as he looks at his phone.

The three of them split and Myrddin goes towards his class. There's only one more before the day ends. Then he's going to the clinic. His mom already texted him that he can work there.


"Hey Tom~" Lydia greetsMyrddin by slapping his back a little roughly.

Myrddin only stumbles a step forward before he sends a smug smirk back to the mischievous girl. "Why if it isn't Lady Godiva"

Lydia furrows her brows. She made sure to hit him right in the middle of his giant bruise. Myrddin nearly jumped out of his shoes when she barely touched it last time.

"What do you need?" Myrddin neutrally asks, not caring that his back was slapped.

This causes Lydia to become even more confused. "What happened to your back?"

"What do you mean?" Myrddin tilts his head. Then his mouth opens slightly with fake realization. "Oh, sorry. My back is fine, it's my shoulder that's hurting. My diaphragm also hurts from yesterday's fight. I slammed into those lockers with my shoulder, not my back"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about" Lydia seriously whispers. "I'm talking about the giant bruise on your back that you said you got from a wolf"

Myrddin looks off into the distance. "But I thought wolves haven't been here in a long time? How could I have been given a bruise by a wolf?"

Lydia balls her fists up in frustration. "I know that…"

"I've gotta get to class. I'll see you and Jackson later today, right?" Myrddin asks as he takes a step back.

"Right" Lydia says in her mad 'Queen Bee' tone.

Myrddin doesn't stick around and goes to his class that he barely makes it in time as the bell rings.


Myrddin goes to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. And when he gets inside he's greeted by Deaton signing some papers behind the front desk.

"Ah, hello Myrddin. How was school?" Deaton politely greets.

Myrddin walks in and stands in front of the man. "It could have been worse. But I think it was pretty good"

Deaton nods. "Glad to hear that" He flips the paper he writing on over. "The 'pretty good' part. Not the 'could have been worse' part"

"Understood" Myrddin gets a better look around the clinic. "My mom texted me that she gave you and the clinic the all clear, hope she wasn't too much"

Deaton chuckles a little. "Haha, not at all. Your mother was just looking out for you. She had some very interesting things to say"

Myrddin slumps his shoulders. "Don't tell me she told you…"

Deaton gives a knowing smile. "I'm not sure what your dreading, but you shouldn't worry about it. She simply told me a little bit about you. There wasn't anything bad, from my point of view at least"

Myrddin shakes his head. "I don't wanna know…"

"I'm just finishing up some paperwork on my end of this. Your mother signed what she needed to when she was here. And you need to sign a few things as well. You won't directly be working on any animals, but you may still be held accountable if the correct paperwork isn't filed. You can set you bag down in the back and start signing some things" Deaton points his pen over his shoulder towards the door behind him.

Myrddin puts his hand on the swinging gate but retracts it. "Tsss!" He hisses and shakes his right hand.

Deaton drops his pen and immediately looks at Myrddin and silently observes the boy.

"Damn…" Myrddin mutters as he looks at his right hand's index finger. "Dr. Deaton, do you have a pair of tweezers? I just got a splinter"

"Yeah, follow me and we can get that taken care of" Deaton walks into the examination room as he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding. It had been a while since he was given a shock like that. Looking back on it, it's rather funny.

Myrddin opens the gate with his foot instead, not wanting to touch it. The thing looks completely safe and sanded. It even looks to have a special paint on it as well.

He follows Deaton into the back and sees him sit on a stool and nod to come over to the table.

"Show me the splinter" Deaton says as he shows the tweezers off.

"It's pretty deep" Myrddin says as he holds his hand out with his palm up.

Deaton inspects the splinter and confirms that it is indeed deep. "It's in there good. Now on the count of 3 I'll pull it out. Ready?"

"The suspense will kill me" Myrddin sarcastically responds.



Myrddin nearly slams the metal operating table as he feels the fierce pain from his finger, and with that the throbbing goes away. But the blood begins to exit from the wound now.

"1. All done" Deaton holds up the splinter and finds it to be rather large. "Sorry this happened. I didn't expect the gate to give splinters"

"Ow…" Myrddin comment and puts rests his finger in his palm as it bleeds. "Uhm… Dr. Deaton?"

"Yes?" He gets pulled out of his thoughts and looks away from the piece of wood. "Right, you can wash it in the sink right there"

Myrddin quickly goes to the sink and begins washing the blood away. He also makes sure to clean the wound. "I can't believe how injury prone I am recently"

"It does look quite unbelievable. And you fell up the stairs?" Deaton asks.

"Well…" Myrddin can tell that Deaton knows more than he's letting on. "… I sometimes do fall up the stairs, but this isn't what happened this time"

Deaton sets the tweezers and the splinter down on a tray next to the metal table where other medical instruments lay. "So why would you lie to your mother?"

"That's… a good question" Myrddin turns towards the veterinarian. "I lied because I didn't want her to worry. And because I wanted to work things out on my own. Which I did during school today. Have you seen the video?"

"No" Deaton looks to the door leading to the front room. "I heard some people discussing about a small kid stand up to a big kid. You'll find pet owners tend to gossip a bit"

"The video doesn't show the start of it. None of them do. It started before I even got into the school. I think I was shoved into the school, but I also might have been kicked into it. I don't have eyes in the back of my head so that part is a mystery to me" Myrddin explains the beginning.

"You couldn't feel the differen between a shove and a kick?" Deaton knows something is up with that.

"It just happened so fast and I was caught off guard. But anyway, I ended up talking things out with the 'big kid' and now we're friends, sorta" He explains but doesn't do it well.

Deaton stands up and goes to a cabinet. "I heard that the 'small kid' said some not so nice things, any comment on that?"

Myrddin doesn't really see an easy way to explain this away. "I did say some things, but it was for a reason. Jackson was going to do something to me anyway, so I wanted to get it out of the way. The top dog always tries to crush the underdog-"

"And your the underdog?" Deaton takes 2 bandaids from a box.

"No. Im below the underdog. The underdog at least has a chance at overcoming the top dog" Myrddin dries his hands with paper towel and takes the bandaids.

"So you decided to provoke him to get it out of the way…" Deaton thinks about this for a while.

Myrddin bandages his finger. "Me nor him woke up on the right side of the bed yesterday. We got it out of our system and we're cool now. There's still a little bit of resentment between us but I suspect it will disappear eventually"

"As long as everything is resolved" Deaton comments. "Now we should finish that paperwork so I can give you the thorough tour"

"Right!" Myrddin nods and follows Deaton to the front desk.


It takes a while for Myrddin to fully read the papers and then sign them. He always makes sure he knows what he's signing before he actually signs it. His father made sure to ingrain this into him and his sister from a young age. Too bad Gwen doesn't do it anymore.

After the papers are signed, Deaton takes them before showing Myrddin around the clinic and explaining what his job will entail.

Mainly cleaning around the clinic. Organizing various things around the clinic, like the paperwork and medical supplies. Working the reception and talking to the people dropping off or picking up their animals. Feeding, cleaning, and generally taking care of the animals as well. There are some other things, but the other part-timer will be doing them like closing the shop but Myrddin still needs to know how to do those things just in case.

A vet clinic is basically an animal hospital so there are some rules that are more strict than others. But Myrddin is a fast learner.

Dr. Deaton doesn't waste any time and allows Myrddin to shadow him for the day to see what and how he does things. Like what to say to the people coming into the shop and which paper forms to have them sign and where to put those papers.

Of course Myrddin won't learn everything on the first day, but he does end up learning a lot.

2,975 words

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