
Dragoon Piping 5

So far, Yarden had been quite interested in her and keeping up a suave imagine, but the second he heard her name, he snorted, and then erupted into laughter of amusement, "Darkness?" he guffawed, "What kind of stupid idiot names his kid Darkness, never mind his daughter? Did he want you to get bullied for having such a stupid chuuni and wannabe cool name?"

Darkness as she called herself outright gaped at him as he continued laughing at her name, unable to contain his amusement, and the red tint to her cheeks darkened and she shuddered in what looked like anger.

"I mean come on, with those looks, that regal way of talking and then being something as amazing sounding as Crusder, and then you come away with a name like that?" Yarden was laughing so hard he actually had to lean against the wall, "What, lemme guess, your family name is Destroyer?" he teased her and laughed even harder.

She shuddered again, even more noticeably, but finally Yarden was able to reign in his amusement, "Sorry…sorry I've just never heard someone in real life with a name so stupid," he wiped a tear from his eye, and one last chuckle, "I'm Yarden, Yarden Odhar, proud son of Scotland and new to all this adventuring crap, my class is Dragoon."

He'd pretty much fucked his chances with this fine arse bird already, but honestly, he couldn't contain himself at all. God, what kind of try hard edgy fuck named daughter Darkness?

Did he want her to develop some sad BDSM fetish or something?

"It…It's fine," Darkness gave another deep shuddering and breathed out heavily, an oddly wide smile spreading across her face and directed at him, "You seem to think quite highly of your opinions and have no problems mocking others." she pointed out.

Yarden shrugged, "That's normal where I'm from," he replied, before huffing in amusement, "Though I was planning on keeping the nice act up with you, but couldn't after hearing your silly name."

Darkness blinked, "…And why is that?" she wondered, looking confused and almost disappointed somehow.

This was one weird chick.

Either way, there was no real point hiding his opinion here now right? "Cuz you're beautiful and I want to fuck you." they say honesty set the heart free.

Darkness staggered back at his blunt admission with a gasp, "Oh..oh my!" she gaped at him, wide eyed in utter shock.

"Either way, I've got shit to do and toads to murderize," Yarden continued on, "And since I pretty much murdered my chances of dicking you down till' you squealed my name, I'm out baby cakes." he tossed her a wave and continued on, walking done the street to head to his destination.

"Wait!" Darkness' voice halt him in his steps long enough for the beautiful blonde looking knight to jog after him.

"What?" he rolled his eyes, "I'm not apologising."

"N-no, not that," Darkness hurriedly waved her hands and grasped the hilted sword at her hip, "Crass and rude as you are, it would be remiss of a noble crusader such as myself to let a young newbie adventurer such as yourself go take on Giant Toads alone even with your impressive class!"

…You know what?

"Fine, whatever, I'm not going to to tell you to piss off, you're at least good eye candy," Yarden smirked and shrugged, "Just don't get in my way, all those toads are mine to kill."

"Such a hooligan, but very well!" Darkness agreed easily.

And was it him, or did she sound quite pleased? Nah, couldn't be…right?

For a medieval town, Axel was actually pretty big. Nowhere near the modern towns and cities he was used to, but big enough that it took a decent while to get to the entrance of the city, and out of it, walking along the dirt roads surrounded by vast green fields just outside of the city.

Darkness thankfully new the directions there, having been in Axel for a decent while now apparently.

"Well at least you're good for something beyond your body and being a busybody." Yarden rolled his eyes as they left the town of Axel behind.

"Rude! I'll have you know I'm level twenty, one of the highest level people in all of Axel?" Darkness huffed.

Yarden snorted, "Only level twenty?" he looked at her dubiously, "Are you sure you're not just weak as shit and wanting to leech experience points off of me and get stronger?"

"W-what?!" she sputtered, "Twenty is a very high level I'll have you know!"

"Sure it is," he snorted again, in what world was a level twenty strong? Well, he supposed Axel was the town of beginners for a reason, he couldn't resist taunting her a bit more though and blatantly let his eyes rove over her body, though much of it was still hidden by her weird ass get up, "You sure you didn't just sleep with actual strong people and have them beat down monsters for you to finish off?"

"A-as if I would do that!" Darkness refuted, and shook noticeably, face going red again and panting deeply, "Only…only a shameless harlot would do that!"

"And where's your proof? That stupid looking armour?" Yarden raised an eyebrow at her, "It doesn't mean anything to me beyond hiding most of your body, and even then I can tell you definitely have the body of a 'harlot'."

He paused and grinned at her, wiggling his eyebrows, "You know, if that's really what's going on, I don't mind, I'll carry you up the level ladder if you want," the Scottish teenager admitted, "But I'll be carrying you on my cock all the way."

Darkness froze, "…You…you are a d-dastardly boy aren't you?" the voluptuous blonde stuttered, swallowing heavily, "Trying to tempt a noble crusader into debauchery like this just because you have a special and powerful class."

…He wasn't hearing a no. And he said as such.

"I'm not a hearing a denial from you, are you really just a slutty gold digger knight?" Yarden raised an eyebrow at her.

Darkness shivered as he stared directly at her, but did not refute.

Well, okay then.

"Alright then," a massive grin spread across Yarden's face and his hand whipped out, slapping the blonde beauty across the arse, "You can be my slutty knight from here on then." he laughed, glee filling him even as his joggies began to tent with a thick hardness.

A startled moan left Darkness at his words and actions, and he gaped at her.

His cock throbbed, hard. Despite being out in the open, he wanted to push her down and take her right here and now.

But, before he could even think to, the ground suddenly rumbled beneath him and the sounds of multiple, large, heavy things landing rang in his eyes.

His gaze snapped to one of the large hills about fifty feet away, and he caught sight of his prey.

Three massive, giant ass toads of with light green skin.

"Damn, Luna wasn't kidding about these things being huge," Yarden whistled, before smirking, "Not as impressively big as my dick though, you'll be able to learn that first hand later Darkness." he promised the blonde with a look over his shoulder at her.

She trembled a bit and gulped heavily, "O-okay!" she suddenly agreed, nodding her head vigorously, making that lovely golden blonde ponytail bounce around crazily.

'Man, I really have to thank Aqua for sending me here,' the teen thought with relish, cracking his neck and beginning to walk towards the toads, "Wonder how roasted toad tastes?" he mused, heat beginning to build in the pit of his belly and smoke escaping from the sides of his mouth.

If you're interested in my stuff. You can see it a bit early on Pa---atron. There's a link in an yof my story descriptions.

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