

As I lie down on the bed I share with Zelda to prepare for tomorrow,

'It's really exciting to be able to see what the technological scale of this world is like,'- I thought excitedly.

[With the limited resources I have, I can only mention the worlds that are involved in this dimension and would like to know their names.]

Richard: "So far as you can tell, is it because of the update?"

[It's not because of the list of worlds I used to combine them; I'd like to know that some dimensions didn't make it through the merger, so there are only remnants of them, so it might be normal for you to find beings from another dimension like Zelda, who is from the world with her name Zelda.]

Richard: 'Well, tell me some of the dimensions that you think might be more dangerous.' I thought it was interesting.

[I understand, sir, that the dimensions that may be dangerous are unknown because of the large amount of colliding dimensions, and it is not known which of those dimensions the main characters survived and which ones were rebooted to be more in line with this new dimension.]

Richard said, "Wait, alter Jewish many dimensions if what you say is true."

[You have no idea, sir, that this dimension was designed to take you down every moment you get up.]

Richard: "I think when I can open the dimensional portals, I'm going back to Marvel." I said this while rubbing my forehead.

Zelda: "What's wrong Richard? You feel bad. Let me give you a hug. Hugs take the bad stuff away." She said it while hugging me tightly.

Richard: "Thank you, Zelda." - I said it while trying to sleep as my resistance to pain increased rapidly.

Zelda: "I love you, Richard." She said it sleepily, clinging tighter to me.

'This is going to be a long night,' I thought to myself as I listened to the sound of my pain resistance leveling up.

The next morning

As I open my eyes, I see Zelda drooling in front of me with a silly grin.

Zelda: "I want more strawberries and cream."She said it in her sleep.

"She dislocated my arm." I thought about it while stroking her head with the hand that freed me.

Richard: "Help me determine my pain resistance level."

[Right now, it's about to reach the maximum. If you do something that generates incredible pain, then you can take it to the ultimate level.]

Richard: 'Well, first I have to lift Zelda.' - I thought about holding her nose so she'd wake up suddenly.

Zelda: "Richard, what's wrong?"

Richard: "You're running late for your favorite food, Zelda, and the hot bath water for Grandma Mary to bathe you."

She opened her eyes quickly to stand up and start running.

I stopped to look in the mirror to see what I looked like.

'I do look different from my previous form.' I thought about it, seeing my skin as an ashen gray, my red eyes with a slight slit in them, my sharp teeth able to cut flesh with ease, my thick, pure white hair, my pointed ears that give me a different tone, my long fingernails that appear that can pierce flesh with ease, my body being small like every child, my height of 86 centimeters, which is tall for my own age, I just touched my hair to notice something interesting; it is very thick, possibly the strongest thing I have on my body, and I also saw the little horns that are starting to come out.

I looked at my arm, which is dislocated.

'That will make my pain resistance go through the roof,' I thought, holding him.

Kitty: "You little brat, wake up already." She looked at my dislocated arm and looked at it in horror.

Kitty: "Wait, don't move your arm, let me look..." She didn't finish because I forced it to settle.

I just yelled out a little pain to get it to move my arm quietly.

"Good as new."I said it with pride.


[pain resistance level up]

Pain resistance is maxed out.

[For making another skill reach its maximum, you get the right to use the gacha once].

Kitty: "Grandma Maria, we have to get Richard adopted right away."She said this while running off to call the others.

Richard: "Tell me that passive has some extra benefit." I thought it was interesting.

[By having stamina, you can ignore half of your own pain to continue training.]

Richard: "It's very good; that will help a lot to make me stronger faster."

Kitty: "I'm telling you, grandma, he adjusted his arm."

Maria: "You think a two-year-old would do that?" She said it seriously.

Grandma Maria came in looking annoyed at Kitty.

Maria: "Richard, Kitty says that you did adjust your dislocated shoulder; is that true?"

Richard: "Yes, grandma." "I saw it wrong as it always happens when I sleep with Zelda; it hurts, but not so much anymore. I think I'm used to it." I said it with a smile.

Grandma Maria looked at me blankly before looking at Kitty, who smiled in superiority.

Maria: "Yes, I owe you an apology, but we know that Zelda has super strength, and Richard is only alive because of his abilities." She said she was carving her hair.

Zelda: "Grandma Maria, I'm ready to take a bath."She said it arrived naked.

Maria: "Well come on Zelda, you know you can't go with Richard because you have to go to the doctor and find out about your quirk."

Maria: "Well Richard, you can go outside and enjoy the morning as usual." - She said this while saying goodbye to me.

I just nodded to run to the front yard, where I saw a very big anthill where most of the kids run around.

Richard: "Tell me, help, do I have to destroy it with my hands or can I do it another way?" I asked.

[as long as you believe it can be either method].

"I am going to use some homemade items for that." I thought to run to the kitchen. I grabbed white vinegar with lemon vinegar, which made a stronger smell. After that, I grabbed a lot of baking soda to let it mix with sugar and make the ants be many to take it away fast.

And I just started to hear the sound of gaining points and experience.

Richard: 'Who knew that killing ants would give me experience?' I thought about it smiling.


[has gained about 365.5 points]

[has leveled up]

[has leveled up]

Richard: "If I level up, do I have any upgrades?" I asked excitedly.

[You only increase your stats very minimally, so the level really doesn't have much value, sir].

Richard: "I understand it's a bit disappointing, as previously the levels mentioned the amounts of my life, my mana, and my ps." --I thought about it.

[Well, leveling up gives you some pretty good chances of better things coming out in the shop, like exclusives from some fellow players.]

Richard: "Thanks, helpi, you know how to raise the mood; tell me, could I summon Amarok back to one of my teammates?"

[Yes, sir]

Richard: "That's wonderful." I thought about it while smiling.

Richard: "Helpi, I would like to use my gacha shot, please." I thought seriously about it.

[understood sir]

[has got a familiar voice]

[name Amarok, species: horned wolf, owner: Richard Augustus Parker]

Richard: 'And speaking of Amarok,' I thought about it while smiling.

Richard: "How will he show up or what's going on?"

[Amarok is being transferred to this dimension and will appear near you, sir.]

Richard: 'I'm excited to see my boy,'- I thought, smiling.

I just felt heavy footsteps and saw Amarok arrive in front of me.

He started sniffing me in an interested way, so I just nuzzled his nose.

Richard: "I missed you, mate." I said it with a smile, so he started wagging his tail excitedly.

Richard: 'See the state of him.'- I thought about it while looking at him.

Name: Amarok.

Level: 250

Danger level: D+++

Title: the great beast, heavyweight, faithful companion, pet of the god of life, the one and only.

Quirk: none.

Abilities: icy breath, destroying claws, sight of truth, beast charm, nimble mind, unstoppable guardian, destroying gore, minor healing, bonding, and dimensional travel.

Passive Ability: Soft skin, steel teeth, indestructible fur, fearlessness, painlessness, hunger resistance, temperature resistance, accelerated healing, super strength, super speed, sacral horns, creature of life, unconditional

How he sees you: He is happy to be close to his master.


I just kept stroking his head as I lowered my head further so that I grabbed one of his horns and settled on his back.

Richard: "Wait, he could always have traveled to different dimensions," I thought to myself in surprise.

He is the pet of a dimensional god, sir, so of course he can travel to any dimension.

Richard: "His punch has always been very soft."

Ariza: "My baby." She said it while running towards me, only to freeze when Amarok stops in front of her to sniff her.

Maria: "What's wrong, Arizaaaa?" - She just stood with her mouth open, looking at me on Amarok's back.

Richard: "I made a new friend. I call him Amarok. He is a great dog." "I said, smiling."

Mary: "Richard, get off that."

Richard: "Tell me why Amarok is a good boy." "I said, smiling."

Kitty: "What is that thing?" She pointed at Amarok.

Richard: "My dog, he came in; we saw each other, and we thought I liked him." I hugged his neck.

Mary: "Richard, we can't have a six-foot dog in the orphanage."

Richard: "But he's a good boy; he even does tricks." "I said, smiling.

"Amarok, sit down." I said it so he would sit.

Maria: "Yes, he is already tamed, so he must have an owner. He has a collar, and his owner is Richard Agustus Parker." - She said it so that she would give a blank.

"He's my dog."I said it while jumping up and down.

Mary: "Who would give such a beast to a child?"

Before I could continue, Amarok put his nose on my forehead so that a magic circle formed at our feet.

Mary: "Damn it's a magic beast, everyone stand back."


[A link has been formed with Amarok]

[all his stats except luck]

[I felt my body strengthen greatly].

[gained ability to tame beasts]

[For reaching threat level F, the system is upgraded].

[The quirk remains as an external part of the skills].

Richard: "Helpi, which gives me the skill of beast taming?"


[beast tamer]

(creates a contract with the beast that has your trust, thus uniting your minds and hearts to accomplish a simple goal.)

[blocked] requirements needed are unknown.

(complete bestification)

[passive abilities]


(They will have better interaction with magical creatures that don't have the ability to speak human language or a close one; they will be able to understand the beast based on its body language.)


(You will have a stat binding based on how much your own body resists.)

Richard: "Okay, this is very good ability for someone weak like me." --I thought so.

Maria: "Richard, are you OK?" She asked, approaching me carefully.

Richard: "Yes, Amarok told me he would protect me." "I said happily.

Maria: "Richard Amarok is a magical creature; we don't know much about them." She said it carefully.

Richard: "But Amarok is a good dog."

Mary: "Richard Amarok is not a dog."

Richard: "Amarok says he is a direwolf, so he is a dog." I said it with complete confidence.

Mary: "You can understand him."

Richard: "Yes, I can feel what he thinks."

Maria: "I have heard about this on the other planet; there are people who manage to form soul contracts with magical beasts, and with them they gain some abilities and can understand the magical creature." - She said it seriously.

Kitty: "Great, besides having quirks, now it's magical, and it has a good thing you know what it eats."

Richard: "Yeah."

Ariza: "Don't say meat because the few donations we have will go down the drain, honey." She said it while looking at Amarok's gigantic size.

Richard: "He eats minerals."I said it proudly.

Ariza: "Like metal can eat scrap metal."

"Let me tell you, he eats metals and can expel them in their purest state." I said it happily.

Kitty: "A great living gemstone producer." She said sarcastically.

John: "What's going on?"- He just stared at Amarok and me on top of him.

John: "He just made a contract, didn't he?" he said, pointing at me.

Maria: "Yeah, you know how they work."

John: "Well, we have to get them registered as a beast master." He said it calmly.

Maria: "I just hope you won't say anything else."

John: "Mom, magical beasts choose their human owners, and there is no way you can deny them that because they have a greater resonance. Tell me, boy, what did this creature give you?"

Richard: "I don't know, I just feel stronger."

John: "That's weird; mostly they give you elemental control, so just physical reinforcement." He said it thoughtfully.

John: "Well, mom, I'll take him to register him and take him to my workshop." He said it calmly.

Maria: "Do it, John, and I want proof that he can really do something amazing."

John: "Well tell me, do you want to ride the bike or do you want me to ride your partner?" He ask with some excitement.

Richard: "What do you think, Amarok?"

Amarok sniffed him for a while to lick his face and give him a playful look.

Richard: "He said he likes you."- I said that to get him to get on.

John: "Well, I will lead more." He said this so we could start our journey.

It only took us about 5 minutes to get to the place John mentioned.

John: "That's fast; hell, that's about 25 kilometres in five minutes; that's something new." He said it with a smile.

He picked me up and carried me on his shoulder to take me to where a woman is so Amarok can try to get in by scaring the creatures that are next to their masters.

"Calm down, boy," he said, caressing the head of a phoenix-like being.

John: "Good morning. I've come to register the little one." - He said it seriously so that the receptionist would look at him.

Receptionist: "Good to hear it, that's your child."

John: "It's not the little one."He said this while pointing at me.

Richard: "Amarok spits fire."I said, pointing at the wall where he was trapped, that he just spit white fire that crystallized the wall so that it broke and he went inside.

Receptionist: "You know we have to get the creature away from the child because it's still too young for him to tame it."

John: "The creature picked it out, so I tried to take it away."

She stopped typing to get it to come closer to me, and when it was about to touch me, she just watched as Amarok's claws grew and their size began to increase, causing me to slowly pull my hand away.

Receptionist: "I'll write it down; the kid has a quirk right."

He just nodded, and she wrote that down.

Receptionist: "Name of the boy, quirk, name of the creature, and kind of beast." She said this as she waited to enter the information.

John: "His name is Richard Augustus Parker, quirk adaptation, Amarok, well, I don't know that; tell me what he said." He said it while looking at me.

Richard: "semi-god of life."

John: "Richard, that's not a class, it's the elements that are aligned: fire, water, wind, earth, tayo, light, dark, life, energy, and nature." He said it seriously.

Richard: "Amarok's is nature and life."

Receptionist: "I don't know about that kind of creature called Amarok."She said it in a bored tone.

Richard: "Sorry, it's a horned wolf; there's only one in the entire multiverse, so he tells me." - She stops scoring to look at me.

Receptionist: "What do you mean by the whole multiverse?"

Richard: "Well, he says he can travel to different universes, so he says he is the only one in existence."

She just looks at the creature, so Amarok looks at me for a moment, rips through space, and leaves.

John: "How did you attract that creature?"

Richard: "He came alone, and I like him; he's a good dog." "I said it proudly."

After a while, he returned with Milthril, who began to chew while wagging his tail with glee.

Receptionist: "You will have to leave the creature so we can study it."

"If he dies all your life too," I said it innocently, so the receptionist didn't touch the button.

Receptionist: "What do you mean?"

Richard: "It means Amarok is the last thing left to sustain the life of the multiverse; if it dies from something while something else is not reborn, then the multiverse is doomed." "I said, smiling.

She walked away.

just to sit down.

Receptionist: "Well, let's say it's a high-class creature with the ability to control nature, and everyone present can't mention anything; if it dies and it's true, we will have destroyed all realities, and there will be no way to repair it." - She said it very seriously to the people.

Man: "That's stupid, just vivisect the creature and..." It didn't end when Amarok grew to his full size.

Amroth has reached threat level A++.

His stats increase.

Its threat level is E++.

I felt my body grow stronger as my horns grew.

Man: "What the hell?"

Amarok: "Stupid human, you think the beings of this world can control me; if I could take my master, I would have already destroyed this filthy world full of rubbish, but you can't." He said it as a mental command.

Everyone shuddered at the tone.

Richard: "When can you speak telepathically?"I asked with some bewilderment.

He just looked at me funny.

"You're just repeating Winston's words in your head; that little guy like that fills me with pride, and I knew spending time with him was good." I thought it was full of pride.

Man: "I understand noble sir." - He said it with a lot of fear.

John: "What kind of creature did you get, boy?" He said it with fear.

Richard: "Amarok is just a good dog." I said it with a smile.

Amarok returned to his base state, so I felt my strength reduce greatly, so the receptionist finished taking my picture and handed me a card.

Receptionist: "With this, you are the official owner of a magical beast." She said it so well that I nodded happily.

up to here.


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Read 16 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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and guys read a new book that my friend is working on it's name is

An Otherworldly Magician [HP X Marvel]

give it a try!!

so amarok is too getting Winston habits ...well who doesn't miss Winston...well he's not a single dog now...is he...

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