
Chapter 97.

The day of the exam has come, though for me it was just another normal day. I woke up exactly the same time I woke up every day. I brushed my teeth, wash my face, and let my bedhead stays the same. The only thing that was different was the fact that I was eating with Erika-san. Eating with her will become a daily routine. And, I know that I'll need to adapt to this new life.

Erika-san and I went to school together. We had a few conversations about this exam. What are our thoughts and what are the guesses on what kind of test I'll be participating in?

We arrived at our classroom and sat down. There are still 10 minutes left before Sakaguchi-sensei. I just dumped my face on my desk as I put on my earphones. Gotta listen to some brain power, relax my mind and let it be at peace.

However, just when the music was about to begin, Sensei arrived. He looks like he was running from the faculty to our class. He was panting so bad, that he was out of breath.
