
A Great Luna in Making - II


Jade sneezed again. She was surrounded by heaps of flowers, making her nose twitch at the overbearing smell.

Perhaps Jade should have thought about what she should’ve asked them to bring instead of letting them have a free reign over it.

The woman had decided to bring her flowers and vegetables from the gardens. The vegetables seemed to be the freshest she had ever seen, but the flowers, oh, the smell.

"Do you like them?" a woman sitting to her right asked. "All of these are common vegetables and we have grown them in our houses."

"Thank you for bringing them to me." Jade held her hand and patted it.

"We love that you care for us," a shy female spoke up. "But we still wanted to make you something."

"She is here forever," another female spoke up, "I think we all can fulfill our wishes."

Jade tuned her out. There was no way that she would ever let any of the wolves cook for her.

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