
The Fury

Ursula hated how full her hair was. She never understood why people loved lots of hair on their small heads. The discomfort she felt whenever she had to brush her hair herself was not worth the compliments she received for said hair. 

She sighed disgustingly, as she trashed the broken comb. It was the fourth of the month and she knew there was more to come. She had even tried cutting her hair short, but it didn't take a while before it just grew back in force. 

If there was one thing she missed about Germany, it was her hair stylist Coco. Coco knew her stuff. She was the only one that understood Ursula's hair.

The princess was currently preparing to go see Marco. She had just successfully tied her hair into a ponytail when her phone began to ring. She rolled her eyes wondering who had thought it a good idea to call her just after the great struggle with her hair. She decided to ignore it but the phone just kept on ringing.

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