
I am fked

A little mistake. Vasuki started to coil around Shiva's neck after the Samudra Manthan but I have already stated him to be around Shiva's neck so...since it's a story only, it will remain this way only.


" King why is just injustice being done to us ?? Only the Devas and Asuras are called for the Churning of the ocean. Let's be honest. If it was in the past, then we were like a chicken in front of the Asuras and there is nothing wrong with acknowledging that, but times have changed. We are now very powerful than we were in the past, while the Asuras have grown weaker and weaker and both of your elder brothers are so close to the Trimurti, The Eldest Shesha is the mount of Vishnu and oversees the Dharma, while the second eldest coils around the neck of Lord Shiva himself. If we didn't do anything then we all can only wait to spend our whole life being the sidekicks for those Devas. " a figure with a humanoid shape, dressed in eloquent black clothes and green skin spoke while kneeling in a large hall filled with figures of same skin color and nearly similar clothing.

Nearly all the Naga chieftains sitting there nodded in support of the man.

Those above the clouds don't want to come down and those below don't want to stay down, the same was happening with the Nagas. At the start, they were only like bugs in front of the Asuras and were ignored while being taken as a neutral race due to the stance of the two eldest Naga kings, but now the times have changed. The King sitting on the throne was, Nagaraj Takshaka, the third eldest among the Nagas and also the younger brother of Vasuki and Shesha. ( The previous Naga kings. )

And he didn't have any problems with staying neutral but he doesn't want to be neutral because he is too weak but instead he wants to be neutral because he wants. The major point in the Nagas being Neutral was that, as long as they were not the aggressors, the Trimurti will save them but if it is the other way around then, say goodbye to the war world.

" King, let's go to the Pataal and appeal to Lord Shiva regarding the Asuras being there and not us, if they allow we can even have a contest with the Asuras. And if we are there instead of the Asuras then the Devas may also do the process peacefully and wouldn't try to do any tricks. " One of the Naga chieftains spoke with an excited face, while redness covered his green face.

According to him, he had spoken the best plan ever possible for the Nagas, and looking at the expressions of other Nagas, it seems he isn't wrong as short or long but he has spoken the core gist of what all the Nagas desired.

Yes, they very much desired a war with the Asuras as the oppression they had faced against the Asuras still gives sleepless nights to many of them and have become a demon of their heart and it won't be solved until they take revenge and quench their thirst for revenge.

" King although I don't want to spoil the mood, but the Asuras are still stronger than us, if Vasuki and Shesha don't take part from our side, then we can only dream to win against them, although Prahlada is a famous soft pudding but we shouldn't forget how much power he contains in the body, and apart from that, Danava Prince Svarbhanu and Danava Dragon Vritra is still alive and kicking, these three alone can make us forget about winning as we only have King Takshaka and Commander Vishdar who reach High god class. Although our total numbers are many times that of the Asuras but in front of the High god class, these are just numbers waiting to be wiped off. " A Naga sitting on the right of the King stood up and spoke with an anxious face while looking towards his King, as even though it is hard to accept this, but still the Asuras are more powerful than them.

A ghostly quiet and awkward silence enveloped the whole hall, The Naga chiefs looked at each other with embarrassed faces, it looked like they were dreaming too much and had forgotten their place.

Takshaka who was silent this whole time, spoke in a hissing voice, " What if we include Manasa? "

' !!!!!!!!! '

' !!!!! '

' !!!!!!! ' All the Nagas looked towards their King with surprised and dumbfounded looks on their face.

" King you yourself know that is impossible, even if Lady Manasa is willing to come, the Sages won't allow it. " The minister who waked all the others to reality spoke in a flushed tone as he seem to understand what his King meant.

Lady Manasa was the only sister in the group of firstborn Nagas and had a very strong obsession towards being a God and worshipped by humans but her mixed parentage didn't allow her to do it as the Humans also didn't seem interested in worshipping a snake. And currently, she had been married to the Jaratkaru and lives in the Sageland, which is completely closed off for visits and no one from inside can go out until you achieve this so-called ' Dhyan ' in the words of the Great Sages of the Sageland. ( 7 Maharishis =

Great Saga )

Knowing the strong desire for Lady Manasa towards being a God, she will definitely not want to miss this opportunity, but the rules of the Sageland won't let her out and if she comes out in any circumstance, it will mean that she is kicked out of permanently until an exception is made.

" Prime minister don't you think, you just keep being negative all the time? " Takshaka hissed impatiently while staring at the pale face of the Prime minister with his green poison-like eyes.

" Although he was frightened to even move his legs but the minister spoke with an oddly stubborn face and will, " King I do not want my race, my friends, brothers, and family to die in a losing battle, and if you think I am wrong then ok, I will resign voluntarily. " a tired look appeared on the face of the minister after he spoke his words.


A remote and far-off corner of the Cosmic Ocean.

Andhaka stood in the air with a chilling expression on his face while looking at the large crowd in front of him,

Svarbhanu, Kalanemi who both were high-class gods along with the Lord of Second Realm, another high god class stood in the front while more than fifty god-class Asuras and Danavas stood behind them.

" Svarbhanu are you sure it will be alright? What if the King is injured in some way? " The Lord of the Second realm asked with doubt.

He hasn't personally seen Andhaka fighting anyone so in his perception, Andhaka was only a Very powerful Asura but this 'Very powerful' didn't mean that he can face such a powerful group alone.

In his mind, this young Asuran King overestimated himself too much and thinks of them as some weaklings who he can take care of alone, without any external help.

The word Arrogant perfectly described the image of Andhaka in his mind.

And it wasn't only the lord of the Second realm who had this thought, many of the others in the group also felt that their king was taking them too lightly. and being so powerful but still being taken so lightly, nobody liked that and this undoubtedly ignited their fighting spirit.

" Since you all look ready then..." Andhaka paused a little while a smirk formed on his face.

" START ".


Realistically speaking it was nearly impossible for Andhaka to improve his magical powers or mantra to such a degree that would have given him the confidence to be at his best state so he had long started to plan to increase his physical body condition, and it has surely given him the result he gravely desired. Increasing his physical strength also increased his stamina and magical capacity and each time he does some extreme physical exercises he feels as if one by one his cells are lighting up.

So, he planned to face all of them depending mainly on his physical body. No blasting or suppression using his dark powers. Only pure muscle.

So thinking this he lunged towards Lord of the second realm with a taunting smirk on his face, which certainly made the lord of the second realm have a furious complexion on his face.

' hehe you bull-faced bastard, I will let you know your place ' Andhaka thought with a happy and violent grin.

He didn't know if it was inherent or something in his blood but he gets all excited and fired up whenever there is a battle, a challenging battle to be precise but unfortunately, he had to control it in himself most of the time, but now he can let it loose.

The Lord of the second realm looked at Andhaka charging towards him with a look that made him go furious with rage.

" You foolish and young Asura King, I 'll let you know today what this Danava is made up of today. " and he also charged forward to assert dominance and not show any weakness.

" Hah, now that's it. " Andhaka muttered while drawing his hand back and clenching all his fingers and forming a fist while remembering the way Vajranka had punched him and concentrated his power towards the most important point of contact, his knuckles.

Being a God class being and being able to survive so many wars and become the king of the second realm, he naturally had very good intuition and Instincts and, currently, they were screaming at him to dodge the punch coming towards him, but being a king, he also had his own pride and not taking this punch head on is something he will never do, as indirectly or at least in his mind, he will be accepting that he isn't strong enough to take a punch from the Asura King.

" Aaaaaahhggggghhhhhhhhhhhh come forth, nethetfrost gale " The lord of the second realm shouted loudly while the weather suddenly grew colder and chillier while black colored ice started to swirl around his hand and more and more ice kept stacking on his hands.

A shining punch with its knuckles extended and a gauntlet covered with black ice collided fiercely.

The others watching this scene were too astonished to move, the two behemoths fought madly with the sound of ice and bone cracking, ringing everywhere on the battlefield.

The underdog, Lord of the second realm suddenly did an unexpected move, a straight kick directly to the downside of the chin of the Asura King.


" aaarrrgghhhh " Andhaka growled angrily while clenching his teeth tightly in pain, although he had hardened them at the last minute to dilute the impact but still,

"!!.... This ...BASTARD!!, your kick was really strong " Andhaka looked at his opponent with a venomous grin on his face, now he too wanted to kick his opponent, and that too on the face.

While Andhaka was thinking about how to kick his enemy back, The lord of the second realm also looked at Andhaka with a stupified expression on his face.

That kick just now had used nearly all of his strength, although he didn't go totally all out but that totally all out will mean burning his own life so in a sense it isn't wrong to say he had attacked the Asura king with his full power but seeing him just spitting a little blood finally made him realize his own limits.

" Damn monster. " there wasn't any fear in his voice but only pure thrill and excitement of battling out such a strong enemy.

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