
It's a date

"I still don't understand why you needed empty dust crystals."

Empty dist crystals were easy to get, used something that required dust and when you are done, you get an empty dust crystal.

"I don't see you questioning how I can reserve a table..."

She shrugged nonchalantly, I couldn't blame her really, it wasn't that rare for people to reserve tables for a night. Even if it was weird for me to know the owner.

"Do you know where your sister is?"

I nodded and pointed at the scroll that was secured right in the middle of the handles.

She leaned a bit closer and her helmet tilted towards me.

"You have a tracker in your sister's scroll?"

A good thing Summer decided to stay in the dorm to not interrupt my "Date".

"You think I trust her enough to not have a tracker on her?"

She thought for a moment and nodded, agreeing with my point.

I had a box of empty dust crystals in my locker back at Junior's, I also had a few empty crystals in my pocket for experiments.

"So... Where are you taking us out on a date?"

I didn't show any visible reaction, it wasn't hard considering the helmet I was wearing.

"You don't have to keep flirting with me to test the waters, you can just ask me out."

She shut up after that, not making a sound until we reached Yang and Weiss, who were at a cafe...

Yang? In a cafe?

Getting off the bike, I shove a hand in my picket and start walking towards the two.

Weiss was sipping, well, coffee while yang looked bored out of her mind.


My mutter went unheard as the two of us walked inside the cafe and I took off my jacket. Blake didn't take off anything, how she was walking in those clothes was a mystery to me.

"How did you manage to get yang to sit there for more than fifteen minutes?"

Weiss glared at me and with all the grace she had, dodged my question.

"Where were you two?"

And I responded with equal grace, then dominated her by ignoring her question.

"So, any of you thinking about the field trip to spare Beacon from any more wasted money by collecting sap?"

My point was clear, blunt and direct, Beacon would be in shambles if Ozpin didn't have a pet named Glynda.


"That's one way of putting it, little bro, your not looking forward to going to the forest? There might be Grimm."

Weiss scoffed as if someone had just offended her.

"There is more to life than just the thrill of battle, Yang."

The blonde chuckled and sent me a smirk as if she had won something.

"I remember Roy telling me something along those lines."

Weird, I remember that differently.

"Oh, Wisdom from the one and only "Grumpy old man"? Can you tell me about it?"

Blake tried her best form of teasing, she failed but no one was going to tell her that. Even if I really wanted to, I was too busy drinking the coffee Weiss ordered before we arrived.

And so, the talk about my grumpy nature started.

I, naturally, remained quiet during the whole event, not wanting to argue with the three... That would be saved for the "Duty of a soldier", which was basically a Call of duty. It was like someone was trying to avoid copyright issues.

Reaching into my pocket, I took out an empty crystal and started doing my thing.

What was that, you ask? Well, making a lightsaber crystal, of course!

That, or make a rechargeable crystal that I can use to modify my sniper to shoot plasma rounds.

And hey, At least I have 20/20 vision.

My aura became visible around my hand and I tried to focus my semblance on the crystal.

"What are you doing?"

The crystal exploded in my hand...

I'm getting the feeling that this has happened before.

"I'm trying to make a rechargeable battery that will be added to my sniper, making it the deadliest and cheapest weapon in remnants history, just because I can recharge it with aura and every shot will.be capable enough to burn through aura, skin, muscle, organs, and bone."

Blake stared at me for a moment and blinked.


She leaned back, leaving me to my own devices. Rolling my eyes at how easy it was to weird people out.

Taking out three crystals, I start concentrating my semblance into my palm, trying to melt the said rocks.






"What is it, Weiss?"

I asked before she could finish, getting annoyed, can't she see that I'm doing something?

"Were leaving."


Sighing, I stand up to leave, only to realize that they left me the bill.

...With a smirk of amusement, I paid for my part and walked out of the door, sending a final smirk to the trio.

They think they could just leave me the bill and since I "Didn't have a choice", I would pay?

News flash: I may be a protagonist, but im not going to act like it.

My smirk turned into a shit-eating grin when I saw the three come out of the cafe, looking very annoyed.

Putting on my helmet, I chuckled and the disgruntled expression on Blake's face as she sat behind me.

"What's the matter blake?"

"Shut up, Roy."

Next chapter