
A Change of Perspective (1/1)

"Look. I found the part of me Rowan thought he could keep for himself." The Creature stroked the jar with a finger that had one too many joints.

The fragment of its soul leapt from the bottom of the jar and clung to the other side of the glass, following the path of its fingertip as if it were a magnet. The Creature stared at Ciprian expectantly.

Ciprian pretended like the soul shard was the least interesting thing he'd ever seen. After a moment he spoke, purposefully choosing his words to remind the Creature that it still had weaknesses. "It certainly took you long enough."

The Creature's smile faltered. A hint of irritation permeated the sickeningly cheerful tone of its voice. "It wouldn't have taken so long if that wolf hadn't been watching for me. I had to wait for it to leave. I know its shadow master takes delight in unraveling me, but it is a nuisance." 

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