

Thrut be told, Donna was a mess on the second day she arrived and Sasha saw it all.

The poor woman didn't know what was happening in the end and passed out just after the first hour.

Sasha reckoned she could last longer than that, but that didn't mean she would make it easier for the stud... but it was getting harder lately.

The way he talks to her and understands her is making sasha opened up for him and she did not hate it, she was indeed enjoying his prescence.


Donna had pestered Gabriel, she wasn't exactly asking for it but to him she might as well so he did what she wanted, he did not go too deep on her because she kept wimpering and whinning about it being too big, so he fucked her for a full hour and left her.

Next day she walked weirdly and apologized to him and told him that she wasn't being in the right mind. She went back to her husband because that itch had been scratched already and she didn't know she could handle a man like Gabriel, so she decided to go back to her Ex-husband/now husband.

Gabriel was not angry or because he did not see her as some one serious.

Today was moving day so everyone was going around loading stuffs on their vehicles. Jimmy loaded the aninals with Hayley while the rest did the crops and the restbof supplies.

Gabriel sent his three feather friends ahead to scout and see of any danger. Kaimana will follow his scent as well as Alpha and her betas.

On their way, Gabriel noticed a car missing. He turned to back on his van and stopped by travis "Where is your wife and Alicia?"

Travis panicked and looked back "They were following me!"

Gabriel rubbed his temples and stopped Travis from going back alone.

"Alright, I'll help you so don't be hasty"

Travis nervously nodded.

Gabriel went back to Rick who was leading the group with him. "Mom, can you guide them? don't worry, nothing will happen on your way, I promise" said Gabriel to his mother.

Angela nodded and smile "Of course, sweetie. Please come back soon"

Gabriel turned to Amy who was traveling with his mother "Take care of her and yourself, okay?"

Amy nodded "Yes, sir" she said kissing him.

Angela blew a kiss to her son as well.

Gabriel passed by each vehicle leting everyone know getting kisses and rubs from his women.

"Alright, let's go!" said Gabriel to Travis after he had said his farewell.

Gabriel drove while travis sat on the passenger seat, Travis noticed Gabriel going off road "Where are we going, Gabriel? I don't think Madison could have gone this way"

"We are not here for her yet, Travis"

"W-what? Gabriel, something could be happening to them right now... I'm sorry but I'm gonna go on my own"

"Calm down, Taravis"

"How can you ask me th-" he stopped as 5 gigantic wolves came out from the forest and stopped in front of thier van.

Travis widened his eyes "W-what the fuck?"

Gabriel laughed and got outbof the vehicle making Travis pulled his arm "Stop! they are dangerous!" hissed Travis.

Alpha approached Gabriel a licked his face, Travis's mouth opened wide and let his arm go.

"Well, Travis. Meet Alpha and her betas they will track your dear wife and daughter down, won't you girl?" said Gabriel scratching her behind the ear, Alpha wagged her tail making gust of winds.

"Go on, girl. Smell his shirt"

Alpha smelt Travid shirt "Why?" he asked.

"Because your wife hugged you for more than a couple seconds leavhing her scent on you"

"Oh that's right"

Alpha howled after picking up her scent and started running, Gabriel hopped into his van with Travis and followed them.

Poor van was squaking a lot. After an hour of driving they found the vehicle.

It was crashed into a tree and it was smoking. Travis jumped outside the van and ran to check the crashed car.

There was no one inside and Travis was hyperventilating already.

"Calm down, Travis. We'll find them" reasured Gabriel.

Travis was about to retort but saw alpha picking up another scent. Gabriel smile "See, I told you. Whoever took them, we'll find them. Okay? now, ease up and let's follow my Alpha.

Alpha's ears perked up upon hearing 'My alpha' she looked at Gabriel and started licking him.

Gabriel stopped her and prompt her to track down the scent.

They again made their way again, There were no walkers causing them problems because the other four betas took care of them on ther way.


Madison and Alicia were on a hospital bed, Madison got up and checked her daughter's well being, Alicia was fine besides some scratches here and there but she was well nontheless.

She didn't know how it happened, it was so sudden they were following Travis and then they were not.

Madison walked outside the hospital room and was met with one police man guarding the door.

"How do you feel?" asked the police officer.

"I'm okay, now and once my daughter wakes up, we will be on our way. Thank you for helping us" she said.

The police officer smirked and said "You'll have to talk to our chief about that"

Madison was confused "What? what do you mean?" she asked.

The police officer did not answered and just led her to the one in charge. Madison felt like they did not helped out of free will, on their way Madison noticed some leering gazes on her.

She wabted to get out as soon as possible. This place was shady, the elevartors didn't work. The stairs were blocked, she didn't know how they we able to get them in.

They made it to an office. The officer motioned for Madison to enter so she did, she was greeted by a female police officer.

"Hello, I am Deputy Lerner. Name Dawn Lerner. I am tye one in charge, I understand you have concerns about leaving?"


(A/n: New Milfy coming up hehehe)

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