
Setup Complete

The room had gotten a bit awkward now as Mateo sat opposite Amber slowly eating his avoid while avoiding eye contact with her.

Amber on the other hand didn't mind as she slowly ate her food with her gaze on him. In the end, the winger had to break the awkward silence because he needed to ask her a question.

"Hey, it's thirty minutes to nine." He said after turning his gaze to the wall clock to check the time.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that." She replied.

"You are? Then don't you think you should start heading home, it's already too late?"

"Why does that sound like you trying to get rid of me?"

"I'm not trying to get rid of you, Amber, I'm just saying heading home alone when it's already this late can be dangerous." Mateo expressed.

"Heading home alone?" She said, sounding a bit annoyed. "Who said I was going home?"


"We're friends, right?" She asked.


"Cool, then what's wrong with having a friend sleep over at your place?"

'I should have seen this coming.'
