
chapter 155 Great Slapping

Zhang Jian had no way out and was praying unto the heavens for his salvation but there seemed to be no obvious way out of the delicate situation. Even in the direst of situations, there seemed to be some hope. The darkest of clouds had a silver lining, the darkest of nights had a bunch of stars, the gloomiest sadness had a tinge of happiness and yet the slightly complex problem unfolding in front of him had no obvious solution or even the hope of a solution.

Before the curses inside his mind could find their way out, a sound was heard that made his heart leap a thousand miles with joy. It was none other than the sound of hope, a sound that filled him with so much bliss and happiness that it seemed to be overflowing. An unconscious smile almost appeared on his face…almost…but he knew that the smile could never see the light of the day otherwise he might even lose his neck in the swashbuckling fury of the women. Thus, the smile was murdered heartlessly before it was even born.

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