
Safe and Sound

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

When the tremors completely stopped, Qiao Mei secretly used the vines to push out a gap so that the two of them could breathe while they were among the ruins.

"Are you alright?" Qiao Mei asked.

"I… I'm fine. What about you?" Xia Zhe hesitated and said.

Qiao Mei looked at his hesitant expression and felt that Xia Zhe was hiding something from her. She reached out to touch his body, but Xia Zhe frowned and held down her roving hands to stop her.

"Don't move!" Xia Zhe growled.

Qiao Mei just used one hand to secure Xia Zhe's hand behind his back and used her other hand to carefully run over his body to see if he was injured.

Xia Zhe struggled but could not break free. He had a strong feeling of déjà vu. Who was this person who was so strong and even treated him in this manner?

"Who are you?" Xia Zhe stared at Qiao Mei's face to see if she was lying when she answered.
