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Bob Lee PVs

Isaac Johnson. "So Bob Lee, have you made your decision yet?"

I didn't like the tone of his voice, but since it was part of the plan, I pretended not to notice. "It's to save the president of our country, you know I wouldn't refuse to help, that's not why you called me."

Isaac Johnson. "Hahahahah... I knew, where can I find him?

Do you want me to come to your house?"

"You can come here tonight after 10 pm."

Isaac Johnson. "Okay. I knew I could still count on you, how is Donny Fan?

After I got out of the army, you guys never scheduled a meeting again, it looks like you guys are glad I'm not around!"

"You know that's not true, you left last period, and the boys and I just got back. By the way, early next month we're having a beer, if you want to drop by just talk to me.

Captain, may I ask you a personal question?"

Isaac Johnson. "Talk, but I can't guarantee I'll answer."

"This vacation I went camping, where I found a memorial created in 2003 about 157 Squadron and its leader, Captain Bell. Tell me, what was this legend like?"

Isaac Johnson. "All is not what it seems, to outsiders Alexander Bell is a war hero who saved many lives, but to me and our 157th Squadron he was a good soldier but not a good man."

"Why do you say that?"

Isaac Johnson. "I always thought that for him the lives of his soldiers are expendable and only the mission matters.

Several times he put our lives on the line and I almost died more times than I can count."

"It's a shame, not everyone is what they seem on the surface. At least he was a good soldier and a patriot."


Isaac Johnson. "Look Bob Lee, the secret service receives daily several letters, emails, calls, etc... Exactly two weeks ago, we received a letter threatening the president and as usual, we investigated and initially everything was normal as the letter did not have either name or address engraved on it. Until last week we received the same letter, only with the name T. Solotov written on it, along with the date and place where the attack will take place...

This is where you come in, as one of the best, if not the best sniper in the world, we need you to check the location and identify all the shooting points where this sniper can shoot and kill the president."

I smile inside, it's all in line with what Alex said, I just need to play along. "Okay, on your last visit you showed me pictures of your men killed by a sniper and also said that it was where those men died that you found the letters. In my professional opinion, that sniper is hunting, and you are not safe.

Who's to say he won't kill the president before the rally?

If you want my help you need to tell me everything you know about this man, I want all the files you have on him, I will try to unravel his abilities and maybe get something that can help us predict his next move. "

Isaac Johnson. "Alright, I have your basic information here with me, the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

It's official now, you will command this operation!"

On the surface, I was smiling, but inside I was cold. "No, I'm just going to study the rally site and hand over all possible shooting positions you need to keep an eye on. The rest is up to you!"

Isaac Johnson. "Alright, you're the boss. That's enough for me.

Thank you and see you tomorrow. Goodbye!"

I walked Isaac to his car and waited for him to get out and a few minutes later I walked into the house and sat on the couch next to Alex. "So what do you think will happen next?"

Alex looked at me with a playful smile and said. "Now my dear Bob... He's probably going to call his superiors and say the duck has fallen into the net and they can start phase two."

"And what will be the second phase?"

Alex. "Making you look guilty.

Now that you're in, they'll take care of you 24 hours a day, until rally day arrives.

Keep an eye out and don't be silly!"

After answering my questions, he decided to leave and I was worried that my family is taking unnecessary risks. "I understand everything, but is my family in danger?"

Alex. "Relax, as long as it looks like you're eating out of their hand, they won't do anything to your family, and if they try...

Let's just say things are going to get out of hand and get ugly!

But then again, they're safer here, in front of everyone than in the hidden shadows, that would alert them."

"Okay, I'll go according to plans. See you tomorrow."

"That's the best choice, don't worry about your family. I'm taking care of her! See you tomorrow."

As I watched my brother disappear into the darkness, I had only one thought on my mind. I just hope I made the right decision and that it doesn't affect my family.


(Y/N: Pass your POWER STONES or Isaac Johnson will eat your cookies!)

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