
"Why do you have to create me like this?"

Why was Mila so afraid of telling Robert the truth?

The problem with truth is that it is an evil, but it is a necessary evil.

People desire to have trouble-free, easy lives, but the truth forces them to confront realities for which they were not mentally prepared.

Even though they know something about it in their hearts, they choose to ignore it in order to live quietly.

Humans always want to get other people's approval, but in reality, we usually just want them to say what we want them to say, which includes lying occasionally only to spare our feelings.

Others lie because they fear that if the truth were to come out, people might not like them for who they really are and reject them.

All of this lying and avoiding the truth is done to win the approval of others and prevent ourselves from feeling harmed.

Mila was hesitant to confront reality because of this.

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