
Sometimes It Hurts

[Late Morning Before the Execution]

“Do you think there will be any fall out from this?” Galen asked, turning the car up the final road leading into the northern territories of Winter.

“The execution?” Caleb asked, looking over at Galen. “Why? Do you think there will be?”

“I don’t know,” Galen replied honestly. “He grew up here, people cared about him. It can’t be easy to see your friend get killed.”

“No,” Caleb answered. “But he hasn’t been anyone’s friend for a long time. And I would guess that most of these people realized that after the fae attack. The rest, when they heard about Whiteridge. So, no, I don’t think Granger has any friends left in Winter.”

“You’re probably right,” Galen said. “Bell told me that his scouting team, the ones that helped him escape after he tried to kill you, volunteered to participate in the lashing.”

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