
Now or Not at All

Ashleigh felt as though the world had stopped spinning, and the oxygen had been violently sucked from the room.


The thought had never even occurred to her. Not once.

“W..what?” she asked, her voice shaking.

Caleb was right. It would solve everything. Then, all she had to do was let him go. To tell the Goddess that she rejected Caleb as her mate.

‘And choose Granger as my one true mate…’ the thought left a hollow feeling in her, which was quickly filled with guilt.

“Why drag it out any further?” he asked. “You don’t accept or acknowledge me as your mate? Then reject me, so we can both be free of this torture.”

Ashleigh furrowed her brows.

‘Torture?’ she questioned internally, ‘is it torture?’

She swallowed hard. The warmth of Caleb’s palms against her face, his eyes staring back at her with a confusing mixture of hope and resignation. She didn’t want to face him anymore, though that would mean pulling away from him, and she didn’t want that either.

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