
A place where to find it

"So don't be sad, Cosette. At least, don't let me know you are."

Cosette pressed her lips to stop them from stretching from ear to ear. Her communication with Asher was minimal because she had to consider Maxen's feelings. Still, hearing from Asher from time to time never ceased to put a smile on her face. 

Asher had grown; he still sounded arrogant, but she could feel he had changed a lot. 

"I guess that's a no," she mumbled, smacking her lips before closing the laptop on her desk. 

Cosette didn't think much about it, expecting that Asher would decline her invitation. As she did so, Cosette cleaned up her desk to dispose of the unnecessary things. Graduating means the lesson she reviewed would be most like to be trashed in the future. It was better to clean up her study desk earlier, so she didn't have to think about it; not that there was anything she had to do today.

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