
How things went south II

Graduation came and Rocco, Maynard, and Conrad marched to get their degrees. Since Maynard and Conrad graduated the same day, and Rocco's graduation was after a week, the two courteously waited for Rocco to graduate to celebrate another milestone they achieved together. 

Grand and a money spender as Maynard was, he took Conrad and Rocco to a high-end bar. Everything was set, as he already booked the presidential suite for the three of them. Having no choice and not wanting to spoil the celebration, Rocco and Conrad let it be. 

It wasn't like this was the first time the two would drink. Hence, instead of lemonades, they accompanied Maynard and enjoyed the hard drinks served to them. 

"Hah…" Maynard plopped down the soft leather seat, spreading his long arms on the back of the couch. "Man, if this isn't friendship goals, I don't know what is this called."

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