
When his heart remembers his deep regrets

When they arrived at Luke's apartment, Remo was still in the same spot. Remo was just leaning against the wall, flexing his fingers carefully, and simply checking if he could move around a bit. His body still felt sore and weak, but Remo was too used to a fistfight that this level of strength was enough for him to endure whatever he had to endure.

"Wow… are you made of steel or are you a descendant of superman?" asked Luke, sitting on the beanbag. 

"How can you move as if you rested for an entire month?" Cosette added, perching on the other bean bag. When they arrived, they instantly idled on each bean bag while Remo remained silent. When Maxen excused himself to make a call, both Cosette and Luke's attention naturally fell on their patient. 

Remo snapped his eyes up at them, opening and closing his hand. His lips opened and closed, but no words came out. He didn't know what to tell them or how to talk to them, honestly. 

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