
Playing Weak

These little details didn't miss the keen eyes of the enemy, and tricked him to decide to send more troops here.

Even if my way was overbearing, I still had trouble keeping it going for a long time.

And that is what I tried to show using such small and little details.

I didn't aim towards showing this off quite clearly, or else that dude would suspect my actions. Such a cautious person was so damn hard to deal with!

I had to show him that I was struggling to keep my technique running while trying my best for him to not realise that. And he indeed fell so damn deep inside my trap.

Seeing the large number of fiends appearing out from the holes made my heart palpitate. All of these… All of them were simply walking treasure chests in my eyes.

I didn't see people flying out of these holes before getting smashed hard against my brutal artefact's effect, but valuable bones and priceless gears flying with wings!

Bring more! Send everything you could!

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