
Bringing Her Over

"Not a big problem, we got tons of these shipped to the capital during the past time. We also were considering building big factories and starting to produce successful models… It's just…"

"You thought this was enough? Sigh! It seemed I overprotected you and didn't let you see what a real war here looked like," I thought before deciding, "before going to the place where you'll work, I'll take you to a place that will help in opening your eyes about how things are done."

I intended to bring them to the training camps first. I'd go back and start looking for a suitable continent for them. But they got to return to reality and see how real war was fought.

What they were doing didn't suit how big wars were fought. And hopefully letting them see the grand and epic fighting grounds at my second Earth would let them know how it was like.

I saw Moore walking away with a dejected look on his face. Of course trying to describe such fierce battles only with words wouldn't work.

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