
Diamond Grade Bone

[Are they this good?]

[They are fierce and much better than you and Legend] I didn't hide this from her, and didn't also miss to mention their sole weakness, [But they lack battle experience]

[This… How come they are capable generals and leaders without having enough battles?]

[You'll see… Genes run deeper than habit and experience] I sent this weird sentence that I knew she wouldn't get right away.

But soon she'd know what I meant.

As I solved her problem by changing my plans for these folks, I had to return to my long journey to the far away continent.

And this journey took much longer than what I initially expected.

I thought it would take roughly half a month to arrive there. But it ended up with a month and half!

During this, I got so much good news one after another.

[I got the tickets to the nineteen other worlds in your apocalypse trial] Silverlining first sent this message a few hours after I returned to travelling again.

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