
The Merge

[... That connection will run through your body like blood running through your veins. When you give birth to kids, the one with the strongest abilities and suited to lead after you will carry the mark of this connection. It will be awakened when you pass away. So don't mind this connection and let it grow stronger, don't fight or resist it]

"I see…" I was indeed trying to resist that link until I understood what it was. So I let it grow and didn't resist anymore.

This helped in making the connection grow stronger faster. But the remarkable change that happened came when the two hemispheres reached the hearts together.

They reached their hearts at the same moment. All I felt was a silent booming that I only felt its aftermath in the form of violent shaking and trembling.

All that started from my heart, spread all over my body, making me feel a moment of real panic before everything calmed down as fast as it appeared.

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