
Sword Skills

I didn't like the idea of summoning useless bulls and monkeys and adding them to my forces.

And then I started the fire, burning the entire tree zone as usual.

Burning the trees and driving the monsters inside to face the bulls, this was my plan. After gaining control over the first zone, things started to snowball in my favour with less work to do.

But I noticed that letting these monsters fight each other took slightly longer than the first time. I estimated it took roughly fourteen hours to arrive at the second gate.

Once I saw it, I forgot about anything and only cared about this gate.

It looked like the first gate, or slightly taller than the first one. But it was also covered with the same thick dust layer as well.


This time I used one of my swords to test my theory out.

[You activated the hidden quest of this gate]

And like I hoped for, this gate gave me a hidden quest and gave me three skills to unlock.

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