
Teasing The Spearhead

By this, they started to move towards my direction with their entire forces. Just watching the seemingly endless lines of humans alongside their warriors was satisfying.

I planned to wait until all my scattered forces regroup here. But at this moment, I started to consider leaving things here to these three. Or to be more precise, leaving things here to her.

"Hey Hye, can you get down here? Or let me come onboard!"

Angelica seemed to get along nicely alongside Hilary. The former was the one who shouted in such a way.

"Really?" I waved my glaive and pointed its tip towards her direction, "last time I checked, we weren't this close to speak in such a way to me."

"Oh… It's just…" she paused and I could see her body trembling faintly before she looked at Hilary's direction.

"She is fine Hye, she is my friend now."

"As if your words count," I shrugged, before adding, "for them I'm their boss. Besides, this girl is always trying to get me in her bed."

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