
[Bonus chapter] Bad News!

I fed up my newly summoned fallen gods with stat points, and decided to leave behind five of them. I also left half of the Selvagiters warriors I got from Fang, in addition to half of my soulers.

By this I decided to set up most of my elite troops here. I knew that the bastard was trying to escape from this direction. So I planned this to make this city turn into a trap.

I'd push him from south starting from Paterson, then close up his retreat path from Middletown, ending the fight here.

Or that was what I had in mind based on my expectations.

Then I went to Middletown. There I planted Two fallen gods, alongside half of everything I got so far.

"Last stop… Paterson city," I activated my teleport using the staff and the moment I appeared in the damaged city, I saw a big battle going on all over it!

Literally a big number of enemy forces reached the city early on. Monsters were everywhere, led by a few races.
