
Abominable Chimera

Cain wore his armor and headed toward Selena's village after the bath, he just wanted to check on them to see how they were doing.

ZON! ZON! He walked out of the gate into Selena's house to see Elena swiping the dust with a broom.

"Mother Elena, how are you doing?" He greeted her with a smile.

"Ara, you call me mother now? Did the operation mess with your head?" She smiled, she was his mother-in-law after all.

"Have you seen Selena? I've been looking for her and the others." Cain asked.

"She went a few days ago on a hunt. Sofia, Gracie, and the long-eared woman followed her yesterday. I don't exactly know which direction they went…" Elena said with a sad face but she wasn't worried, some hunts take days to a week.

"Fine, I could just find them." Cain laughed as his body disappeared with a beep.

"Don't fight, leave him to me!" Farryn yelled as Selena got smacked across the field with the dragon's tail.

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