
Killing the investigators and the rumbling of a new Evolution.

A fight broke between the investigators and the adventurers. The situation was looking bad. This was starting a war with the head guild.

"How many of them are here?" Edward's mage screamed. She could count more fights than she had seen investigators in the first place. If they wanted to execute the Guildmaster, then bringing many people was obvious. But now it just seems excessive.

"Are we fighting each other?" One of the adventures yelled at the top of his lungs. He took a step ahead, kicked a tabled toward one of the investigators, and jumped on the guild desk.

He quickly sheathed his blade and drew a short bow from his back. Pew! Pew! He started shooting at the investigators that Chad and Alen were fighting.

"You lot are having fun without us?"

The fight stopped at her voice, all the adventures knew who she was by now. At the guild door, Zaleria was standing with the dragon fang and Reith.

"They seem to be fighting-coo!" Reith cracked his knuckles.

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