
Chapter 218 ~ Drinks Between Adamantites

The sight of one Adamantite ranked adventurer party would've been more than enough to attract the attention of most adventurers within the guild hall. 

As individuals hailed as a group heroes not only by the guild, but by the people and the kingdom, they were revered and deeply respected and admired, especially by those who shared their profession. 

They knew of the hardship and danger they had and will continue to face, and what kind of strength and dedication necessary to attain such a title. That was why, those who bear the Adamantite plate around their necks, who had proven their strength and mettle to reach the realm of heroes, were held in great esteem. 

And at this moment, there were two such parties within the guild hall, sitting together on a single table. It was impossible for their topic of conversation and their focus to not be on the two massive elephants in the room. 

Meanwhile, the two parties who became the center of attention ignored it and focused on their own conversation. 

"Eh? You didn't go straight to the palace… to come here?"

Lakyus looked at the white knight before her with a look of surprise. The rest of Blue Rose also shifted their gaze from observing Lilith, Momon, and Lupu more closely and looked towards Alexander, taken aback. 

Ever since the creation of the Adventurer's guild, its motto has been to defend humanity from external threats. Thus, there was an unofficial rule that the Guilds would never take part in inter-human conflicts, else the Guilds would not be able to cooperate with each other in different countries when an enemy of humanity came to threaten. 

The Blue Rose had teetered within the gray areas of the rule, having been hired on several occasions by the princess of Re-Estize in addition to the rumors of their leader Lakyus' personal friendship with said princess. However, as they were still "hired" through proper guild channels, and Blue Rose being the most prominent Adamantite ranked adventurer party the Re-Estize guild branch would not want to lose, they were not called out for it. 

At first glance, the rule made sense. However, the moment he heard of it, Yuuji immediately realized something peculiar. 

Having lived in a world of humans, Yuuji almost did not realize it, and neither did Aika or Satoru. But there were other races such as elves, dwarves, dragons, and even goblins, lizardmen, and demihumans living in this world. 

That means, the guild was not created to defend against monsters, demons, devils, and the many others that were genuine "existential" threats to the people of the races, but only humans. 

This peculiarity was the impetus for Yuuji to look into past records, history, and ask the help of Lelouch to answer his questions using his skill. And as he expected, the Slane Theocracy was, in fact, the one who had secretly established the Adventurer's Guild. 

It added another tally to the many reasons why Yuuji and the others would need to change the Theocracy, or destroy it. For such racism towards everything except for humans would not fit the world they would have their precious children and friends live in. 

That said, the unwritten rule didn't promote such a radical view and was quite sensible. If Yuuji was the one who created the adventurer guild, he would not want it to be controlled by nations either, as it would only turn adventurers into mercenaries. 

However, an invitation made personally by the King of the kingdom they were currently in was still a great deal. 

Normally, if no urgent business were to prevent them from going, most would head immediately to the castle, especially if it was to receive a reward from the ruling monarch. 

The riches they would obtain was one thing, but the prestige would allow them to promote their career into something more stable and less dangerous than the life of an adventurer. 

Many high-ranked adventurers had, in fact, chosen to quit and became prominent military officers, knights, bodyguards, or even instructors within the palace or various other noble households. 

It was a one in a lifetime opportunity that many adventurers vied for and worked for all their lives. 

So for Providence to not head to the Palace immediately was shocking, to say the least. 

"We arrived earlier than expected and were quite tired from the journey. So, instead of heading straight to the castle and exhaust ourselves further from the subsequent events, we decided to rest first and visit the guild here."

Yuuji explained. Though of course, it was only half truth. 

They were not exhausted from the journey, given their physical prowess. It simply took a bit of time since they had to visit every city on the way to the Capital to make it seem like they traveled like everyone else, while they were in fact been using [Gate] to go back and forth from Nazarick. 

However, they did want to take a day to walk around the royal capital for a bit to see the progress of their plans. It was an opportune coincidence to be able to meet Blue Rose in the Adventurer's guild that they simply wanted to visit for a moment to see if there were adventurers with interesting talents or martial arts. 

"We would also like to secure a place to stay since we plan on staying for a while."

"That's right~ Do you have some recommendations for an inn? Preferably a nicer one. Having been on the road for many days now, I'd like to splurge a bit if it meant comfort~!"

Lakyus' managed to hide her expression, but inwardly, she was quite surprised by Lilith. 

Her voice and the slight tilt of her head just enough to exude a demure and gracefulness she didn't expect from a mere "adventurer". In addition to the slight bit of visage she could see behind the robe and fox mask, Lakyus guessed that the woman before her, more than likely, held a beauty and gracefulness that surpassed even the golden princess and any other beautiful noble ladies she had ever seen in her life. 

Was she… a princess from a foreign country? Was the other members of Providence, in fact, her guards disguising themselves as fellow adventurers?

Her wild imagination ran off for a moment, before she quickly realized her own daze and responded. 

"I see. Then perhaps the Shining Golden Pavilion would be what you are looking for. It is a bit pricey, but it offers the greatest comfort and amazing food that puts it as the best high-end inn in Re-Estize, in my opinion."

Aika's lips curled into a smile, and her eyes hidden behind her mask narrowed slightly. 

"Thank you very much, Lakyus~ We'll definitely visit it later~!"

"You are welcome, Lilith."

Lakyus returned her smile, while Aika was already lost in her planning. 

'Fufu~ It's about time we have a loli vampire in our bed~!!!'


"So it really was a vampire lord, huh…? I didn't expect one to appear out of nowhere…"

There were silent nods and a groan of agreement from members of Blue Rose in response to their leader's words. The gravity of the situation finally sinking in.

Only one was silent and unmoving throughout the story of their encounter with said vampire lord Providence was sharing. 

"Us as well. We expected to find a regular vampire. But everything went south fairly quickly and we only managed to destroy it by using a relic that held a high-tier magic. That was what caused the destruction. And we wouldn't be here if not for Lilith and Momonga's barrier."

There was a heavy silence. 

Though they've had their fair share of experiencing desperate battles of life and death, the Blue Rose could only imagine just the kind of battle they must've had against a legendary monster like a vampire lord. 

To use a relic item, which was meant to be a truly last resort in a life or death situation, showed just how devastating and desperate it must've been. Moreover, judging by the scale of destruction, it must've been a truly devastating spell that even they would be in grave danger. 

For them to use it must've meant that they had truly no other options. It was either use it and destroy the vampire lord, along with the risk of it taking their lives along with the vampire, or die and have a rampaging vampire lord kill thousands of lives within the kingdom. 

"It must've been truly hard… But I'm glad all of you managed to win. Truly. It is an amazing achievement."

"Well, it is a bit hard to be proud of such an achievement when the Mythril ranked adventurer party, Kralgra, were wiped out."

"That is…"

Yuuji shook his head, and Blue Rose could see how much the death of their fellow adventurers affected him. Lilith and Momonga also lowered their heads slightly. And Lupu, for the first time ever since they saw her, did not wear a smile on her pretty visage. 

Just a straight, expressionless countenance. Though, they did notice the embers of anger within her eyes. An emotion Blue Rose was all too familiar with. The sadness of losing a comrade that soon turned into a burning desire for revenge.

"The vampire was smart, despite it being in a bloodthirsty state. It… "thinned" the numbers by picking us off one by one. Those who were taken aback by its veracity were the first ones to go… Then, those who were in the wrong position or more… vulnerable."

The words unspoken by Yuuji to respect a fellow adventurer who bravely fell in a battle against a terrible calamity were, nonetheless, understood by Lakyus and the rest of Blue Rose. 

The Vampire Lord must've thinned the numbers by killing off those who were weaker first. 

It was a common strategy studied and applied by beginner adventurers, but not for monsters. 

Unless they had a special monster with higher intelligence than normal amongst their rank, most monsters would be simply driven by their instincts and battlerage. Even some demihumans, who possessed greater intelligence than mere monsters, sometimes ignored tactics in favor of head-on clash that showed off their "honor" and "bravery". 

So, for a vampire lord to make such a decision in its berserk, rampaging state spoke volumes of how intelligent it was. 

With such intelligence… It was most likely an extremely high ranking vampire lord. Perhaps on the level of a demon god. 

Evileye, especially, knew very well just how devastating it could be if left alive, more so than her sisters. 

Perhaps, it could've rivaled the destruction she had caused long ago. 

"Forgive me for dampening the mood. Let us not talk of this anymore. We are here to drink and relax, after all."

Blue Rose nodded with a smile. And soon, Gagaran slapped the table and laughed with gusto.

"Hahaha! Then let's party! Oi, bring us all the largest pint of beer!!!"

"Oi, not all of us are drinking. What are you going to do if they don't drink beer?!"

Evileye berated, but Gagaran ignored the "shorty".

"It'll be fine! If they don't drink, I'll drink it for them!"


Lakyus smiled helplessly and looked at Yuuji and the rest of Providence with an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry for her behavior."

"It is fine. I will order something else. What about you guys?"

"I'll order something else too~!"

Aika responded.

"Hm… I'll try one."

"Me too! I want to try one!"

Momonga was genuinely curious about the taste of beers in this world. Moreover, it has also been years since he could last have a pint of cold beer. Such a delicacy was too expensive for him in his previous world. 

While Lupu simply joined in to get along with the members of the Adamantite ranked adventurers, just as ordered by the Supreme Beings. 

She doubted the beer here could even be compared to the drinks in Nazarick. But, alcohol has always been a great tool to loosen people up and get closer to them.

This Gagaran person seemed to be especially easy to befriend, and seeing her fondness for alcohol, it'd be easier for Lupu to close the distance quickly if she joined in drinking. 

"Then, we'll help you order. There are some drinks here that are quite nice and refreshing."

"Thank you, then we'll take you up on your offer."

Soon, glasses upon glasses of drinks arrived at the table. 

"Then, to friendship, health, and everlasting peace! Cheers!"


Lakyus raised her glass, followed by the rest, and cheered. 

Yuuji took off his helmet, placing it on his lap, and drank his glass of lemonade. 

The refreshing taste of lemon and cold water, combined with the surprisingly light and gentle sweetness of the honey filled his mouth before going down his throat.

It was… a surprise. It was better than he expected from the new world. Though, compared to the food and drinks in Nazarick, it was akin to a week-old stale lemonade with ice. 

Yuuji placed his still half-full glass back down onto the table, and only then did he notice the Blue Rose's stare. 


They all looked towards one direction, him, with eyes wide and a look of surprise on their faces. It was also his first time ever seeing any sort of emotions from Tina and Tia. 

He could even feel Evileye's gaze through her mask. 


"Hoo~! Didn't know you're such a looker! Ahahaha! I've never seen anyone like you! Wanna let me pop your cherry, huh boy?"

Gagaran smirked widely, eyeing the surprisingly handsome young man before her, before Lupu suddenly placed a hand on her shoulder and slammed down her pint of beer on the table. 

"Ahahaha~! Better luck elsewhere, big one! Do you think he's a virgin with that look~!"

"Well, worth the shot! Ahahaha!"

Lakyus, despite having met numerous well bred young nobles and heirs, was taken aback, speechless. 

His appearance was… perfect, checking off every single one of her checkboxes. 

He looked elegant, graceful, masculine yet not overly rough. And his eyes… There was something magnetic in his eyes. Firm and unyielding, but at the same time, gentle and soothing. 

He was everything she imagined to be the ideal partner. 

And she wasn't the only one with such thoughts. 

"I-I didn't expect you to have such an appearance. A-Are you perhaps a foreign noble…?"

Yuuji gave a courteous business smile – a gentle and sweet smile to the four dazed girls – and answered. 

"Thank you, but I'm not a noble. My past is… a bit unique, though not in a good way. It's complicated and it will only serve to bore you."

"Hehe~ But as you expect, he's suuuper popular where he's from~! All the girls who saw his face fell in love at first sight~! And he has never broken a heart, since all of them are still vying for his love~! A genuine playboy~!"

"I'm not a playboy!"

"... He seduces girls with his presence alone. I've seen several girls fall helplessly in love with him first hand."


Satoru recalled his time in Lelouch's world, when Karen and C.C both ended up falling helplessly in love with him even when he's hiding his identity. And of course, he also knew a fair number of girls in the black knights who had fallen in love with "Mordred". 

In fact, there was a fan club of him within the Black Knights… He found out when he was using his geass on members of the Black Knights to vet them for being traitors or informants of Britannia. 

Yuuji did not expect such betrayal from Satoru, his best friend and someone he considered an older brother. He thought, amongst those within this group, he would be the one defending him. 

But he was wrong… Satoru, without even intending to, betrayed him by proving Aika's point. 


Yuuji turned and saw Blue Rose looking at him with shock and, from Lakyus, a slightly disappointed expression. 

"It's a misunderstanding! I've never played around! I've only been a serious relationship!"


Yuuji quickly denied the allegations and looked at Aika with narrowed eyes… 

He'll definitely punish this mischievous, sexy gremlin in bed tonight…! 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~! 

Thank you~!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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